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Pragya and Vansh look at each other and smirk....

Pragya/Vansh: decided....


V.R Mansion....

In Living Area....

Vansh: I'll call commissioner...,(he takes his phone and calls police...)

Disha: hold on u guys are planning to send  her to jail.., like really..dii she will escape again...

Purab: ya better just end her chapter....

Pragya: purab and Disha, just think and speak, kids are here and u guys are saying so smoothly about killing someone.., what will they learn...

Prachi: what's wrong in this mom.., she did so much wrong with us.., she should be punished...

Vansh: exactly and law will punish her not us.., and don't she can't escape now.., whatever she tries I'll make sure that she's hanged to death....

Pragya: I hope u all understood us...

Dasi: pragya and Vansh are right.., if we kill alia then what's the difference between alia and us...

Pragya: and u guys are kids.., next time don't think that killing someone is so easy..,am I clear...

Kids nods..., Alia was tied to chair.., she was teary eyed.,as she lost everything...

King goes to abhi and joins his hands in front of him...

King: abhi.., I don't know what should I say., its just plz forgive me for my deeds in the past.., coz of me kaira is not with us., and from that day this guilt is killing me from inside.., plz forgive me...

He was teary eyed.., abhi holds his hand.., while pragya was emotional hearing about kiara...

Abhi: no need king.., at least u didn't had any bad intentions like Tanu and Nikhil.., they wanted to harm my kiara and they did.., but u just wanted kaira with u and that too safe.., I know u did wrong but even I'm at fault.., I shouldn't have let tanu stay in my house.., and after what u did today for my family.., I forgive u for past and let's be friends...

Abhi smiles and hugs king...,they become king comes to pragya...

King: I hope now u forgive me...

Pragya: Mr. Singh.., I lost my daughter and I'm finding her since last 20 years..., I understand u loved kiara like a father.., but what u did was wrong and what u did today .., I'll be always grateful to u for that.., that's why I forgive u.., i don't have any grudges against u..., we can be friends...

King smiles and shakes hands with pragya...,
Vansh was lil jealous seeing this.., while rest smiles....,

King: now I'll take your leave.., if u guys need my help at anytime.., please feel free to contact me...

Pragya and abhi nods at him.., King leaves...

Commissioner comes their with his police team....,

Commissioner: hello, Mr. and Mrs. Raisinghania..., I hope everything is well...

Vansh: even I hope so...(he looks at pragya disappointed)

Pragya understood what he meant....

Pragya: ya commissioner everything will be well after u take this problem out...

Commissioner: sure.., Arrest alia mehra...(a officer arrests alia.., puts handcuffs) we have gathered all the proofs against her.., The doctor and that lady Lisa had given statement against alia.., so now her every crime is out.., and her case is in Fast track.., so she will be punished soon...

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