Finding The Truth...

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Hello Everyone!!!
Good to be Back...


A New Day....

Arora's Villa....

In Krishna's Room....

Poor girl haven't slept all night think about recent events.., she had the photo of kiara which adi gave and also her childhood photos...

Krishna: how's this possible that my childhood photo matches so much with kiara, she exactly looks like me or it's me only

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Krishna: how's this possible that my childhood photo matches so much with kiara, she exactly looks like me or it's me only.., but how's this possible, I'm born in Malaysia and then we shifted to Mauritius.., so technically I'm coming to India for 1 st time.., I'll go and talk to mom....

She goes towards Ishita's Room, and sees her awake holding her head..., she sees Krishna and smiles a little...

Ishita: morning baby...

Krishna goes and hugs her emotionally..., Ishita gets surprised....

Krishna: I love u mumma...,

Ishita looks at her and cups her face...

Ishita: I love u too Beta, but what happened and y are your eyes red, didn't u slept well...

Krishna: I did got sleep, I wasn't feeling well..

Ishita gets worried for her...

Ishita: what happened baccha, should I call doctor.., u don't have fever anything else..

Krishna: no mumma, it's just I was missing u but u were sleeping..,(she keeps her head in Ishita's lap, Ishita caresses her hairs)

Ishita: sorry baby, I don't how I drank baang, I did knew it that thandai was mixed with bhang, and I got intoxicated...

Krishna: Mumma, y didn't we came to India before....

Ishita was confused hearing her questions...

Ishita: baby, u ok.., y are u asking this questions...,

Krishna: no just, I mean yesterday I was talking to prachi, she told me that she was born in India but then her mom shifted to London and Prachi was brought up their.., so where was I born mom.., I mean in India or in Malaysia.., We used to stay their right..

Ishita gets tensed hearing her questions...,

Ishita thinks " sorry baby, but I don't have answers of your questions, but I have to lie or else u will try to find out answers..."...

Krishna: Mumma tell na, in which hospital I was born..

Ishita gets out of trance...

Ishita: ya baccha, u wasn't born in hospital actually it was a stormy night, and people's weren't able to travel, and at same time I had labor pain and luckily we had a experienced nurse in our neighborhood.., so ur dad called her and she did my delivery....

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