The Truth (2)....

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Vansh gets worried seeing Prachi's red eyes.., He goes towards Prachi..,

Vansh: Princess.., what happened.., why are your eyes red.,. and why this tears..,

Prachi starts crying..,

Prachi: Dad woh.., woh..,

She hugs Vansh and cries.., everyone was shocked seeing her state..,

Pallavi comes at door and speaks loudly..,

Pallavi: what she will say.., kuch Bolne layak rakha kya hai tumhari beti ne Vansh...,

They all sees pallavi's angry face..., she comes in..,

Vansh: what nonsense are u speaking dii..,

Pallavi: Really Nonsense.., and what about your daughter's doings..,

Abhi: Pallavi, what are u speaking and don't u dare to talk prachi like this..,

Pallavi(shouts): oh really, your dear Prachi cab Murder someone and I can't even talk to her in high voice..,

Everyone was shocked hearing her, Pragya, Vansh, Yuvi, Suha and sahana look at each other...,

Ranbir: Mom plz, we need to talk calmly.., just listen..,

Pallavi: Aree what listen, this girl (Points at Prachi) she killed my Kumar...,

Everyone was hell shocked except those who knew the truth.., Prachi was constantly crying, Vansh wipes her tears and nods no..,

Vansh: I'm here na princess.., Don't worry, trust your dad..,

Prachi nods..,

Vikram: what nonsense, Pallavi are u in your senses..., Kumar died three years ago, I understand u loved him like our son but he died in an accident...,

Dida: Haan beta, why are u blaming prachi, it's no done...,

Pallavi: I'm not blaming Dida, Vikram, the car which hit Kumar was of Prachi's and she was driving, she was driving so rashly that she hit him and ran away from their, leaving him half dead...,

Tears flow from Ranbir's eyes..., while rest were hell confused..,

Ritik: enough dii, don't forget u are talking about my niece.., she can't even hurt some unintentionally and u are blaming her for accident..,

Disha: Exactly, Pallavi u are family that doesn't mean u will speak anything and we will tolerate, stay in your limits...,

Pallavi: have u lost it Disha - Ritik, I'm not blaming her, this is the truth.., am I right mom..,

She speaks looking at Kokila..., Kokila was tensed...

Purab: Pallavi, okay tell us clearly what happened, I guess their can be some sort of Misunderstanding..,

Pallavi rolls her eyes and looks at Ranbir..,

Pallavi: will u speak something or u love your girlfriend so much that u will forgive her even if she murder your whole family...,

Ranbir: Mom stop it.., and everyone plz don't panic.., I.., woh actually, Dad, Dida.., after that death Anniversary puja..,

He tells them about talking Inspector and getting to know about Vishaka and then Vishaka telling them about Prachi and Kokila with showing the proofs of Bank transfer, and the when he talks to Prachi she confessed of doing an accident but did saw the face of the boy...,

Pragya looks at Vishaka angrily who was making an scared face...,

Shlok: Masi, will u speak something...,

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