Fashion Event (Part 1)

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New Morning....

V.R mansion....

In Vansh - pragya's Room...

Vansh was getting ready while pragya comes out of washroom...

Pragya thinks " hey bhagwan what should I do.., should I tell him the truth now.., from yesterday I'm trying to talk to Vansh but some reasons are coming.., I think I should talk..." she was thinking when Vansh calls her...

Vansh: baby, plz make me wear this tie..,

He comes infront of her....

Pragya(smiles): Vansh, u r krish's father not krish that u need my help to this...

Vansh(keeps hand on her shoulder): but jaan u know na, I like to wear it by your hand.....

Pragya takes the tie and speaks while tying it...

Pragya: Vansh I need to talk to u, something important...

Vansh: haan baby, bolo...

Pragya: woh Vansh actually....

Prachi comes in calling pragya...

Prachi: mom.., mom what r u doing, y aren't u ready yet...,

Vansh: princess calm down what's the hurry...

Prachi: pops, I'm in hurry, today is big day for me, and I have to win this competition...

Pragya: haan, but there's time for event na, it is 4 hours later.., I'll get ready in a while...

Prachi: no ifs and buts mumma, if u don't get ready then only u can make me ready...

Vansh: prachi baccha, there's time for event, and we have an appointment with doctor today for mumma's checkup..., we will join u after the hospital visit....

Prachi: but that dad it will take so much time, first hospital then college..,

Vansh: prachi (sternly), zid nhi karte..,

Prachi gets quiet and makes a sad face.., pragya smiles..,

Pragya: prachi baccha, don't be sad I'm not going to hospital, and before u argue..(she says as Vansh was about to argue) let me tell u that I called the doctor here, he will do my necessary tests and checkup from here and then will also take my blood sample and will tell us the report,  so we don't need to go to hospital.., and prachi once doctor leaves I'll get ready and we will leave.., happy now...

Prachi: more than happy...(hugs her..) I love u...

Vansh hugs both of them.. 

Vansh: and I love u both.....

Arav comes there with krish...

Arav: and what about us,  don't u guys love us...

Krish: yess, mumma daddaa, u folgot me...

Krish frowns..., while Vansh and pragya smile...

Pragya goes and picks krish...

Pragya: my baby, (kisses his cheek) how can I forget my sons, u three and your papa are my life ....

Vansh: ya and your mom is my heart and u three are my heartbeats..., (he side hugs Arav and prachi....)

They all share a family hug..., pragya and Vansh were getting an unusual feeling...

Pragya thinks " why this feeling as if something big is going to happen, god plz keep my family happy like this and also help me to change Rhea for good..."...

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