What's the Truth?? (2)

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Agnihotri Mansion..,

Rhea went to her Room but Shlok wasn't their.., she was finding him all over the house..., finally she reaches Terrace only to find Shlok was sitting their on the edge of Rooftop...,

Rhea: Shlok..., we need to talk plz...,

Shlok sees her and gets down.., He walks to her.....,

Shlok(with expression less face): Bolo...,

Rhea holds her ears..,

Rhea: Sorry.., I don't know what should I say.., I should have told u about my past but..(Shlok holds her hand and makes her leave her ears...)

Shlok: But.., u thought I'll hate u like your family does.., right..,

Rhea nods as tears form in her eyes.., Shlok wipes her tears.....,

Shlok: First stop crying, and I don't how should I react Rhea.., I mean right I don't know which Rhea is standing in front me..,

Rhea: what do u mean by which Rhea..,

Shlok: First is My Rhea.., who's my wife.., a kind hearted and genuine girl.., jo uske dil main hain woh bol deti hai and always thinks good for everyone and second one is that Evil Rhea.., about whom Prachi and her family was talking.., The Rhea who tried to kill Prachi, The Rhea who was a selfish and cunning girl..., u tell me what should I do..

Rhea: u know the answer Shlok.., I'm not that old Rhea whom Prachi was talking about and I don't blame Prachi her anger is justified but every coin has two sides..  u can't judge it by seeing one side only...

Shlok: of course I know.., that's why you're Mom was supporting u going against family...,

Rhea: Come.., I'll tell u my side of story.., I'll tell u about That Selfish and cunning Rhea everyone is talking about....,

They both sit on a Bench on terrace, they sit holding each other's hand.., Shlok tuck her hair behind her ear.., Rhea smiles a little..,

Rhea: My mom left me the next day I was born with my elder twin prachi, Then my Dad and Buji brought me..., They did my upbringing..., I was very pampered, I was a princess of my family.., My dad and buji got me everything I asked for and this made me thought that I can get anything in my life and anyhow.., no matter if my way is right or wrong.., My dad showered much extra love.., maybe he was showering his love for his other daughter on me only..., and My Alia Buji..., all the life I had a misconception that she loves me a lot and thought her as mother figure in my life.., she was the one who told me a fake story that my mom left my dad and me, coz she only loved her other daughter, that's my elder twin.., and that's the one thing made me hate my mom..., but deep down I was carving for my mom's love,(a tears escapes her eyes,) I was yearning for my mom and years passed.., I suppressed that emotion and of course my dad's love and Money made me a Rich spoiled Brat..., A Cunning and Arrogant girl.., who had thinking that she can get everything with her money and looks.., and one day Prachi entered my life.., and unaware of our relation.., we got in to the fight first day itself.., I asked a guy to misbehave with Prachi and in turn Prachi slapped me.., and that made me angry on Prachi..., and I started to hate her..., then in series of events when I tried to harm prachi, I met her mom.., I mean my mom and we had an instant connection.., although i disliked prachi but i just loved her mom..., Then Ranbir's chapter started..., he proposed me..,

(Shlok looks at her, he was slightly jealous)

Shlok: proposed means.., he said I Love u..,(Rhea nods) and what did u answer...,

Rhea: I thought to use this opportunity against prachi and I had a bet with Ranbir, (She tells about bet) but while completing this bet Ranbir actually fell for prachi and broke that Bet also told me that, He like prachi, won't harm her neither he would let me harm Prachi..., and that's it I lost my temper..,coz not just Ranbir, Prachi was also forming a bond with my Dad, I thought Prachi is snatching my papa too.., and also Ranbir, I just became obsessed with Ranbir, I never loved Ranbir but it was just a infatuation but I just wanted Ranbir anyhow..., and bonus I had my evil buji.., she asked me to create differences between Ranbir and Prachi, so with help of Alia buji, I planted Maya Choubey in Ranbir's Life.., who accused Ranbir for molestation.., but as usual Prachi saved him and their bond got more stronger..., and then my buji got to know that.., Prachi is actually her niece and my twin.., but she didn't tell me coz she feared that if mom comes back then she will lose her family and me.., so, Alia buji Manipulated me against Prachi in such a way that.., I was frustrated and asked Buji for help and she told me to Kill Prachi...,

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