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M.K Mansion...,

In Rhea's Room...,

Shlok holds her hand and kisses it.., Rhea looks at him and hugs him tightly...., Pragya also comes their followed by Family, she knocks on door, They separate and look at her.., Pragya was emotional seeing Rhea..,

She comes and kisses her forehead...,

Pragya: My Baby..,

She hugs Rhea tightly and cries...,

Rhea: Mumma woh...,

Pragya: it's ok.., no need of any explanation, speak out when u want...,

Krishna: But Maa, she needs to answer about her idiotic Move, Even she should know what we all went through by her stupid move...,

Abhi: Krishna no..,

Krishna(shouts): don't stop me today dad, I'm here elder sister, it's my duty to make her realize her mistake, and u Rhea listen carefully..., Mom's BP went high, Dad was awake whole night, Shlok was like someone took away his life (Rhea looks at Shlok emotional) prachi was crying all night, Everyone was soo tensed, Krish, he was asking for his Rhea didu.., what should I tell him, that his dear Rhea didu was busy from jumping of the Terrace..,

She herself was emotional, Ishita puts hand on her and nods no.., Rhea looks down in guilt...,

Abhi comes to her and kisses Rhea's forehead...,

Abhi: Krishna is just angry but what she told was right, what nonsense u were speaking Rhea, inauspicious and all.., who put that shit in your mind..,

Rhea recalls her and Mohini conversation..,

Rhea: Papa woh.., woh..,

Vansh: it was Mohini Bhabhi right...,

Rhea looks at him surprised, Pragya holds her hand and speaks..,

Pragya: before u speak listen to Mohini bhabhi's reality...,,

Pragya tells Rhea How Maya and Mohini were behind her arrest and how they played wicked game with them.., Rhea was shocked..,

Vansh: Exactly, so get this thing straight in your mind that whatever Mohini Bhabhi told u yesterday was to trouble u and all of us..,

Shlok cups her face..,

Shlok: it's ok, if u don't wanna talk, but if u pour your heart out then u will feel light.., only if u want...,

Rhea nods.., she holds Shlok and Pragya's hands...,

Rhea: Maa, Shlok woh.., when we were talking in party, a Waiter came to me and told that someone was calling me in garden, so I went out to see and suddenly some people's from Media surrounded me and start asking questions about my past and...,

She tells them how Media was asking weird questions and suddenly Mohini came and sent Media away and then scolded Rhea, called her inauspicious for this Family and Shlok and asked her to die etc...,

Rhea burst into crying and hugs Pragya tightly, while rest Family was emotional and Angry on Mohini...,

Disha: how dare she.., I swear if she wouldn't left then I would have thrown her out of house by my own hands..,

Kokila comes and caresses Rhea's face..,

Kokila: Rhea Beta.., I'm sorry.., whatever happened u don't deserve that, My Daughter in law did all this.., so I'm sorry on her behalf....,

Rhea: No Dadimo, I mean aunty..., it's not your fault...,

Kokila: it's ok.., u can call me Dadimom like everyone calls, u are my Pragya's daughter..,

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