Birthday Bash (3)...

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At Raisinghania Mansion...,

In Vansh - Pragya's Room...,

Vansh was restless and moving here and their in his room, Rhea's new face and that accident was coming infront of his eyes continuously while Shlok's allegations were ringing in his mind...,

Vansh: no.., no..,, this shouldn't have happened, I shouldn't have met Rhea, I'm dangerous for her..., no.., no..,

Pragya enters the room and bangs the door and shouts without looking at him..,

Pragya: What's wrong with u Vansh..,

She looks at Vansh and was shocked seeing his condition..., Vansh was full sweaty and his hands were shaking..., She holds him immediately...,

Pragya: Vansh, Vansh are u okay...,

Vansh: Pragya...,

He falls on bed unconscious, Pragya looks on shocked....

Pragya(shouts): Vansh, Vansh..., (she shakes him a little but gets no response, so shouts on top of her voice) Disha, Mom, Prachi..., plz come, Vansh..,

Soon, Everyone came running to her room, hearing her voice..., Shlok also came but stood at door, as he was worried but won't agree for that....

Disha: what happened Dii.., what happened to jij...,

Prachi: Papa..., wha happened Mumma...,

Pragya: do.., don't know I came to room and He was sweating profusely and fell on bed.., Disha plz see na.., (she cries...) My Vansh...

Disha: don't worry dii, I'll see him.., Aru baccha bring my medical kit and u all plz make jij lay properly...,

Ritik: let me help...,

Adi and Ranbir make Vansh lay on bed properly, while Pragya sits on one side caressing his head, while other side Disha starts checking his pulse..., and whole Family was standing surrounding the bed...,

While Shlok and Vishaka were at door...,

Vishaka: Shlok, why the hell u came here.., Let's go to Rhea..., this must he the new drama of Vansh and Pragya...,

Shlok: Masi plz one minute, leave this topic..., and Rhea is not alone, Sahana and Aryan are their with her...,

Arav brings Disha's medical kit..., Disha takes it and takes out her stethoscope..., she checks Vansh..., Pragya was crying continuously...,

Pragya: Disha what happened to my Vansh, plz tell na..,

Disha: one sec dii, I'm checking.., His Heart is beating very fast as well as his BP is also high due to which he fell unconscious...,

Ritik: then treat him baby...

Disha: actually that specific injection, that's not with me right now, u plz get it...,

Shlok comes in and speaks...,

Shlok: I have it in my Medical Kit, I'll get it...,

Pragya: No need..., what if u give a Poison instead of medicine....,

Shlok sighs and speaks calmly...,

Shlok: Mrs. Raisinghania, I agree neither u like me nor I like u both, but I'm a doctor too..., and every patient is equal to me, and if we don't give him medicine on time then his condition may worsen..,

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