Mega Revelation (part 3)

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V.R mansion....

Pragya and everyone looks at king.., Vansh was still tied to chair...,

Pragya: that means u helped alia to escape..

King: any doubt.., of course it's me...,

Abhi: what the hell u want now.., years ago coz of u and that Tanu we lost our daughter...,

King: not your daughter.., it was my daughter.., my kiara.., u were never their when kiara needed a father.., I was their.. but u both (points at pragya and abhi) snatched kiara from me...

Pragya: and what u did .., u tried to strike a deal with nikhil, u wanted to give him money in return of kiara.., like really..., it was u coz of whom I lost my daughter...

They were talking.., when they all heard a gun shot..., Everyone looks towards the sound..., Its alia who shot in air...,

Alia: enough of your nonsense..., now it's time for u all to die..., and king y r u wasting time on this morons..., take this gun..(she gives him gun., King points the gun at abhi..., while alia points gun at Pragya...) get ready to die....

Everyone gets shocked...,

Vansh: alia.., listen to me.., I don't care what u do with Mehra's.. just live my wife.., don't harm pragya.., I'll do whatever u want.., I'll give my whole property to you.., whole Raisinghania Empire..., think once.., u will get nothing by killing us...

Kokila: exactly and u will go back to jail.., but if u leave us u will be one of the richest lady in the world.., try n understand....

Alia acts to think...

Alia: u have a point.., but even after getting this property I won't get that peace, which I'll get by killing this women.., Pragya Arora Raisinghania..., since this lady came in my life.., I lost everything.., my love.. my control in this house.., she sent me to jail.., everytime I tried to ruin her but in turn I got ruined...

Disha: that's coz u are always wrong..., so u had to lose alia.., see na 20 years ago u got me and purab separated but what u got.., nothing.., ur still same.., I pity u.., and look at me and dii.., we have everything.., loving partners.., kids and a happy family...

Neha: and unfortunately your so called husband and brother..., still love their ex's.., I really pity u bua...

Alia gets hell angry hearing them...,

Alia: cool.., u guys love ur family.., then first I'll kill ur family and I'll start from her..(she turns and points gun towards Rhea...) I'll kill this Rhea first...

Abhi and pragya looks on shocked.., since everyone's concentration was on alia.., Ritik slowly took a blade and passed it to Vansh...
Vansh slowly tries to cut the rope around him....

Whereas Rhea was stunned seeing alia pointing a gun at her.., The same alia whom she thought as her mother and loved her more than her parents....

Rhea stumbles...,

Prachi: this is what u get Rhea.., when u trust wrong people's.., they ruin u and themselves.., like ur buji... and u alia what do u think.., killing someone is so easy.., then u r highly mistaken...

Alia: its really easy prachi, don't worry after Rhea it's your number only.. hold all of them.., no one should move from their place.., (alia's goons points guns at all the family members..) get ready to die Rhea...

Pragya and abhi try to free themselves.., While Vansh had almost cut all the ropes.., last knot was remaining...,pragya runs towards Rhea pushing the goon.., Alia shoots a bullet towards Rhea..., Rhea closes her eyes.., The bullet hits someone...,

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