The Truth (3)....

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Raisinghania Mansion..,

In Living Room...

Sahana looks at Ranbir and other's..,

Sahana: Kumar died because of me not Prachi...,

Everyone looks on...,

Pallavi and pragya were about to speak but Ranbir speaks...,

Ranbir(sternly): only Sahana will speak, Mom and Pragya aunty plz..,

Shlok: He's right, just let the truth get out, Sahana go ahead..,

Sahana: it was Prachi's 18th Birthday, we were celebrating in New York at a Club.., and Kumar came their in the same party..,

Prachi: what, but how.., I mean Sahana, I had booked whole club that day and none without then invitation was allowed in party...,

Sahana: Yeah, but Kumar came with Nina, she insisted to let him in, and I did...,

Prachi: Nina, that college friend...,

Sahana: yeah, Kumar was her boyfriend..,

Pallavi: utter nonsense, He Never had a girlfriend, he was going to get married to our old friends daughter...,

Ranbir glares her angrily, Pallavi gets quiet..,

Dida: Sahana leave her, u speak...,

Sahana: so after her came in party, everyone was busy in themselves.., Prachi and me were also attending our friends, and they were introducing us to their friends and the party was going on well, Drinks were served.., then Prachi went missing suddenly...,

Everyone looks at Prachi..,

Vansh: what do u mean by missing, Princess..,

Prachi rolls her eyes..,

Prachi: all thanks to u and mom, u both were calling me repeatedly that day remember, so I had to leave party continuously, as it was difficult to talk due to loud music..

Pragya: Obviously we were worried for u..,

Vansh: it was first time u were away from us on your Birthday...,

Prachi: only on Birthday party dad, when Birthday started u and mom were then one who wished me first and I invited u guys for the party too..,

Pragya: Yeah but I wasn't well and had meeting in California so Vansh accompanied me, and I left u alone as u insisted.., leave this topic, Sahana u speak bete..,

Sahana: Masi, not seeing prachi their,I started searching her...,


A Club is shown where everyone was busy in partying, drinks and dance.., Sahana sees Prachi not around..,

Sahana: where the hell prachi went..,

She starts searching Prachi..,

Sahana: did u saw prachi..,

Guy: Yeah that way she went..,

He points at a direction, Sahana nods and moves in that way but she collides with Kumar.., He stares her..,

Sahana: I'm so sorry..,, carry on..

She smiles and was about to leave but He holds her hand..,

Kumar: Hey, Babe come na let's dance.., it's such wonderful party..,

Sahana: Kumar, I'm not Nina okay, she's their u dance with her, excuse me..,

Kumar: I know baby, but I wanna dance with u..,

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