The Truth (1)....

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At City Hospital...

Pragya was pacing outside the doctor's cabin, while Vansh was inside talking to doctor...,

Pragya: How much time will this doctor, My husband is not that mad...,

She makes frowning face, she was pacing and suddenly collides with someone...,

Pragya: sorry...,

The lady looks at her, she's Dr. Sudha..., she smiles...,

Sudha: Sia, u again...,

Pragya thinks " I guess she mistook me as Sia..."...

Pragya: excuse me woh I'm...,

Sudha: Sia, I guess this the sign.., I really wanted to talk to u about your son and Abhishek Mehra..., Sia, your should tell truth to your son and Abhishek Mehra.., I know it's complicated but yesterday I saw u both together, are u guys dating and if yes then Abhi has right to know about veer.., this thing is not getting out of my mind since our last meet...,

Pragya was surprised hearing her.., she was about to speak when a nurse comes...,

Nurse: Dr. Sudha plz come, a girl is having labor pain, I guess it's time for her delivery...,

Sudha: what okay let's go.., Sia, think about it and since u are here meet me in my cabin after some time...,

She leaves while Pragya was confused...,

Pragya: what was she actually speaking, Sia, Abhi and what's Abhi's relation with veer..., why the things are getting complicated, poor Abhi, after years he's getting hope of love from Sia, I just hope this doesn't ruin it, I have to talk to Sia or should I talk to Sudha pretending to be sia...,

She was talking to herself that she didn't noticed Vansh coming to her..,

Vansh: wow, speaking to yourself and u are calling me mad..,

Pragya sighs and looks at him..,

Pragya: shut up, (she holds his hand) what did doctor say..., I'll talk to him..,

Vansh: He said that Mr. Raisinghania u are absolutely okay but if u want to get perfect then your wife should spend more time with u and Love u a lot...,

He smiles while Pragya gives him impossible look...,

Pragya: I'll just talk to doc itself.., (she moves and sees Dr. Rana coming out of Cabin) Dr. Rana.., (she goes to him while Vansh follows her)

Vansh: baby, I'm saying na I'm okay...

She glares him making him quiet, and looks at Dr, who smiles at them..,

Dr. Rana: He's saying right Mrs. Raisinghania, He's okay but still scared regarding that fire incident, one or two session then he will be absolutely okay...

Vansh: See, I told u and Dr. Tell her to spend time with me, then only I'll get okay na if I get love from my wife...,

Pragya frowns at him while Dr. Laughs...,

Dr. Rana: Correct, Mrs. Raisinghania, plz do what he says...

He leaves whole Vansh laughs, Pragya slaps him playfully...

Pragya: u don't spend time with me and complaining that I don't love, do u even remember when we went on date last time, 1 month u were on silent mode, I had to bear everything, Family, Business, Rhea's health, everything..,

She speaking when Vansh kisses her cheek suddenly, she looks at him with open mouth...,

Vansh: think this as intrest, then I'll refund u everything tonight (he winks at her, while she blushes...)

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