Holi Celebration - Part 3

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Next Morning...

In Vansh - Pragya's Room...

Vansh wakes up and doesn't see pragya...,

Vansh: not again.., (shouts) wifey...., pragya..

Pragya comes out of washroom in bathrobe,

Pragya: Good Morning Baby...

Vansh: what good morning, same thing again, y are u waking early now a days..

Pragya in front of mirror and speaks while drying her hairs...

Pragya: offo Vansh, don't make an issue, I wasn't sleepy so I woke up early...

Vansh sees pragya carefully....

Vansh(murmurs): Hot...

He goes and back hugs pragya and kisses her neck..., Pragya smiles...

Vansh: u are looking so hot sweetheart..., and what are u hiding...

Pragya gets confused and looks at him wrapping her hands around his neck...

Pragya: oh really, then tell me what I'm hiding....

Vansh: your sleep cycle is disturbed and something is wrong...

Pragya: u are just thinking a lot..(she kisses his cheek, and hugs him...

Pragya: I understand your concern hubby, but trust me I'm ok.., now go and take a bath and come downstairs..., Guest will arrive in some time....,

Vansh opens the knot of her bathrobe and pulls her close holding her bare waist.., Pragya gasps....

Vansh: y don't u join me for a shower....

Pragya: not a bad idea.., let's go...

Vansh raises his eyebrow...

Vansh: really..(pragya nods) in that case..,(he picks pragya in bridal style) let's go...

Vansh was about to take her to washroom when they hear a knock on door making Vansh irritated...

Vansh: ab kon hai kebab main haddi..,(shouts) kon hai....

Its krish...

Krish: Daddy, its me klishu open the dool....

Pragya laughs..., Vansh makes a baby face...

Pragya: yes baby I'm coming..., Vansh get me down...

Vansh(frowns): kismat hi kharab hai.., your munchkin always interrupts my romance.., wrong timing always...

Pragya(laughs): he's just like me, loves to irritate u...(she pulls his cheek)

Vansh gets her down, Pragya gives him towel...

Pragya: now go...,(Vansh goes to washroom frowning while pragya opens the door) good morning baccha...

Krish: good molning mumma...,(Pragya picks him)

Pragya: u slept well with chachu...

Krish: yes, mumma me, pulab chachu and luhi didi, did so much masti..., mumma whele is daddaa...

Pragya: he's bathing baby, u had your bath (krish nods no..) come daddaa will bath you today...(pragya knocks on washroom) Vansh,

Vansh opens the door, he was wearing his boxers.., Pragya looks at his well built body..,


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