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In Prachi's Room,

Prachi was on call shouting on someone..,

Prachi: Ranbir what the hell is wrong with u, Aren't u angry on anyone, your family was slapping u, Mom slapped me and u are not even angry...

Ranbir: Prachi babe, I guess it was enough for the day, I'm having a terrible headache and moreover Mom and Dad said sorry, so it's better to end this matter.., even we were at fault somewhere..,

Prachi: aree but our mistake was not that big, and at least Pallavi aunty and Vikram uncle apologised, but here none came to meet me, i can understand mom as she's egoistic and will take time in apologising but Dad, it's too much.., They even stopped our Live - in Relation. ,

Ranbir yawns, as he was very sleepy while Prachi was blabbering..,

Ranbir: Chikchiki, kichkich band karo please, i just had medicine and now I'm feeling drowsy..,

Prachi frowns hearing him..

Prachi: even u don't love me, u are also like Mom and Dad, I hate you..,

She cuts the call, while Ranbir yawns and cuddles a pillow..,

Ranbir: no problem, 3 kisses are enough to remove your anger..,

He sleeps..,

While Prachi was hell irritated in her Room..,

Prachi: wow now even Ranbir doesn't care for me..,

Vansh had heard everything standing at door, He speaks while coming in...,

Vansh: that's why I say he's an idiot, Prachi beta how can u love a dumb person like Ranbir..,

Prachi frowns seeing him while he smiles at her..,

Prachi: shut up Dad, Ranbir loves me a lot, He's not like u who pranks on me this bad..,

Vansh: Haww, Princess u always said that u wanted a guy like you dad, and now u are saying that Ranbir is not like me..,

Prachi: coz I was living in illusion na, I didn't knew that My Dad will say me that I disappointed him..,

Vansh: so didn't u..,

Prachi makes a angry pout and looks other side while Vansh chuckles,He sits on other side of sofa seeing her, Prachi looks other side while Vansh sits on that side, Prachi whines..,

Prachi: Dadddd, I hate you..,

Vansh: but I love my princess a lot, (He pulls her cheek) My doll, My Golu molu..,

Prachi: Dad please don't call me that again..,

Vansh: aree but that's your nick name na..,

Prachi: none here knows this, especially Ranbir, if he hears na bohot Chidayega, He will tease me all the time..,

Vansh laughs..,

Vansh: okay so now tell me why is my princess angry on me..,

Prachi: seriously, see this (She points the red spot on her cheek) mom slapped me so hard..,

Vansh gets worried seeing it..,

Vansh: Prachi are u mad, why did u tell me earlier.., one minute princess, where's first aid..,

Prachi: it's okay...,

Vansh glares her, she points at a drawer, Vansh takes out a ointment and comes to her..,

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