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In the Car..,

Driver was their so Vansh and pragya were on back seat.., Vansh was looking on Road.,. Just seeing the City.., while Pragya remembers his words and smiles and keeps her chest on his shoulder.., side hugging him....

Pragya: y do u love me so much Vansh....

Vansh looks at her surprised by her sudden question......

In Car....

Vansh kisses her forehead...

Vansh: what kind of question is this baby.., what do u mean by y I love u...

Pragya: bas aise hi.., I mean so much happened between us.., and now this.., then also u r supporting me in finding kiara.., u told that ambassador that Kiara is our daughter..., y r u so good....

Pragya was emotional and teary eyed.., Vansh smiles and cups her face wiping her tears...,

Vansh: ur an fool Pragya.., after whatever happened it actually increased my love for u.., and regarding what I told to ambassador.., what wrong did I say.., just like Prachi is our daughter, even kiara can be.., I know abhi has full rights on kiara.., and I totally respect that.., but that ambassadors will be mad if I tell him about our complications..., I mean if I say him that Kiara is my wife and her ex daughter and blah blah.., he will get himself admitted in mental asylum....

He says this to lighten her mood.., pragya chuckles.., They laugh and hug each other...,

Pragya: I love u...

Vansh: I love u the most.., even more than u love me....,

Pragya: I know that..,

Vansh gets a call.., he picks it up..., Pragya works on her tab, while Vansh attends the call..,

Vansh: Hello.., (he gets shocked hearing but hides it from Pragya giving a plane look, and starts talking casually..) hmm.., yeah I understand.., will u manage or should I talk..., ok cool I'll think.., no not now.., I can't come to India.., I'm busy in some Business here in Mauritius.., I'll call u later....

Pragya(looking in her tab): what happened.., kon tha....

Vansh thinks " sorry wifey, u r already stressed, I can't tell u about this issue now..." pragya snaps in front of him....

Pragya: hello.., Mr. Raisinghania.., I asked who was it on call.., u ok...

Vansh: actually its was my girlfriend...(he teases Pragya, while pragya raises eyebrow) I told her that I'm with my wife.., I'll talk to her later...

Pragya gets jealous, but understands that he's teasing her..., she thinks to give him back.., Pragya gets a call..,

Pragya thinks " what a timing.." she smirks.., Its AJ's call....

Pragya: ok cool.., even I have a boyfriend calling me see...(she shows him AJ calling, Vansh gets highly jealous and angry) I'll talk to him...

Vansh: what the hell...(he snatches her phone and cuts the call) y is he calling u...

Pragya: for same talk for which ur so called girlfriend called...,

Pragya laughs while Vansh makes baby face..

Vansh: wifey, it wasn't my any girlfriend.., ur one n only in my life.., I was talking to manager but u...

He makes a sad face and looks other side..., while pragya burst into laughter...

Pragya: kya Vansh tum bhi..., u know u r so cute...(she pulls him and pulls his cheeks..) u look damn cute when jealous...,

Vansh: oh.., so u were making me jealous..,

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