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V.R mansion....

It was Dinner time now, everyone was back from their respective works, Vansh was still angry on pragya not only that, also pragya left the hospital without him and came to mansion...., Raj and Mitali were with Dasi and Rhea respectively....., Abhi and purab were busy in finding a clue, also they had to work..., Pallavi had made dinner today.....

Raisinghania's sat on Dining table..., M.K family wasn't allowed coz of Kokila, but she had allowed elders(tauji, taiji and Dida) to have a dinner with them...., only pragya and Vansh were missing.....

Arav: where r mom and dad..., I need to talk to them about something...

Ritik: Bhai is on a important Business call, and bhabhi I don't know....

Disha: ya actually Dii is her room, aa rahi hai....

Everyone nods...

Vansh came near the sofa he was on call, pragya was coming downstairs, although they both pretended to not to look at each other, but their concentration was on each other only...., due to which pragya miss a step and her leg trips, she was about to fall when Vansh holds her....

Vansh: this is what happens, when u think about strangers ...., pta bhi nhi chalega kab muh ke bal giorgi....

Pragya understood that he was taunting her about Rhea....

Pragya: don't taunt me Vansh, if u have heard me then may be u would have understood, but no..., u have to stay in your EGO, then go ahead..., I can handle my self...

She frees herself from his hold....

Vansh: cool..., do what u want....

Arav saw them...

Arav: mumma, papa, plz come fast na....

Vansh: yes champ, coming....

They both go towards the Dining table and took their seat....,

Arav: Mumma, even I wanna go...

Pragya: where u wanna go baby...

Arav: Mauritius.....(pragya gets confused)

Prachi coughs and sees Arav angrily as she hadn't told pragya about it...

Pragya: what Mauritius, who's going their...

Arav: Mom, u don't know..., didu and sahana  r going.....

Pragya looks at prachi....

Prachi: Mom woh I.. I...

Pragya: it's ok u can go...., but no blunder...

Prachi was surprised by pragya's decision..., as Pragya didn't gave her permission earlier...

Prachi: really Mom(pragya nods), I love u...

Arav: Mom even I wanna go, ...(he makes an innocent pout....)

Pragya: of course, my baby will definitely go, prachi if u want to go u have to take Arav with u....

Prachi: but mom...,(pragya raises eyebrow) ok mumma....

Ritik: cool do one thing, u all kids go their and enjoy your weekend....

Adi: no chuks actually I have an important work over here....

DM: adi beta kaam hota rahega, it would be a change ..., u should go...

Prachi: yes bhaiyu, plz chalo na, this idiot will irritate me atleast I don't have to handle him alone....

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