Reunion - 1

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Kiara Industries...

Prachi's Cabin....

Prachi was talking on call....

Prachi(on call): yes.., I'll come their in 30 minutes.., u be prepared.., don't worry until I'm here nothing will happen to u...

Ranbir enters her cabin...

Ranbir: Hello my love...

Prachi gets startled and her phone slips from her hand.., Ranbir goes to her worriedly and holds her...

Ranbir: prachi baby are u ok.., (he picks her phone) how did phone fall...

Prachi snatches her phone..,

Prachi: what is this Ranbir.., can't u knock before coming.., I was on call and u suddenly came .., so i was scared...

Ranbir chuckles...

Ranbir: really.., in that case u should get ab award that I scared The Prachi Raisinghania

Ranbir smiles but prachi frowns...

Prachi: how many times should I tell u that stop calling me Raisinghania.., even I'm confused about my identity.., what is wrong with u Ranbir.., forget it I don't wanna talk to u...

Ranbir realizes what blunder he did.., He pulls prachi and back hugs....

Ranbir: sorry baby.., I didn't mean to hurt u.., it just came out of mouth in flow.... sorry...(he kisses her cheek..)

Prachi's anger melts but she thinks...

Prachi thinks " sorry Ranbir, I have to fight with u to implement my plan.., so I have to be alone and away from u.., so now get ready for a nonsense fight..." she smirks and pushes Ranbir lightly...

Ranbir was surprised by her action...

Ranbir: prachi baby...

Prachi(shouts): shut up.., just shut up.., I told u for hundreds of time that don't talk on any such topic which reminds me of incident which happened two months ago.., but no.., u just.., u r impossible.., I just hate..  go to hell, and leave me alone....,

Before Ranbir could speak.., Prachi leaves from their stomping her foot and smirks once outside....

Ranbir: what the hell just happened.., (he remembers prachi's anger) something is definitely wrong with this girl.., I have to stop her before she does anything wrong..(shouts) Prachi.., Prachi...

He comes out and see prachi going.., he runs behind her..., They both come to Parking area.., Before Ranbir could react prachi sits in her car and leaves..., Ranbir follows her in his car...

Prachi smirks seeing him coming behind her...., she calls someone...

Prachi: Hello.., yes I left from my office, u be ready.., I'll be their in almost 20 minutes.., am I clear...(she hangs up.., Ranbir was calling her repeatedly but she cuts his call) sorry Baby.., but I want my family back., but they have to come to me.., I won't go to them.., and I know after this Mom and Dad will come to me running.....,

She increases her car's speed...., and disappears from Ranbir's vision...

Ranbir gets worried for Prachi and starts searching her.., He call sahana and Aryan...

Ranbir: hello.., guys listen to me Prachi..(he tells them what happened..) I'm not able to find her...

Aryan: don't worry bro we are on that road only we will reach their in 10 minutes...

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