Courtroom Drama....

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A Room is Shown...

Toys were spread all over the rooms, they room was decorated beautifully with pink color, and all the girly things.., The Room was perfect for a 4 - 5 years old babygirl...,

A Girl is shown Sleeping on Bed, Hugging a Teddy...,

Abhi enters the room and smiles seeing the girl.., He Sits Beside her and caresses her face... and kisses her forehead...

At High Court...,

Two Cars arrive from opposite direction and stop infront of each other...,

They are Shlok and Pragya in their cars, They get out of car and looks at each other angrily...,

Vishaka smirks seeing Pragya...,

Shlok: Hello Sasumom.., all well..,

Pragya: Off course My dear son in law..., all will be well when I'll take My Daughter with me...,

Shlok: I didn't knew my Mother in law day dreams so well..,

Pragya: Industrialist Arora breaks other's dreams, like I'll brake your's.., Mr. Agnihotri..,

She wear her shades and moves in the court, while Shlok also moves in the Court...

In The Courtroom...,

Mr. Sinha - Pragya's Lawyer

Mr. Roy - Shlok's Lawyer

The Judge Comes, Everyone stands and then sit when he sits...,

Judge: Start the proceedings...,

Sinha: your Honour.., The Case is crystal clear, My Client Industrialist Arora filed this case Against Mr. Agnihotri's, coz She wants Her Daughter's Rhea Mehra Agnihotri to stay with Her in her this situation.., as Mr. Agnihotri will not be able to take care of Her..,

Roy: objection your honour.., Mr. Sinha is speaking anything with tell the actual Points.., So, your Honour.., this are Mrs. Rhea Agnihotri's Treatment papers, it has every detail about her condition.., actually Mrs. Agnihotri is suffering a Mental condition.., one month ago in an incident a stone debris fell on Mrs. Rhea Agnihotri due to which she was badly injured and not only this.., her face was also fully damaged and the doctor had to her plastic surgery's.., and it was successful.., but the point is due to that head injuries, Mrs. Rhea lost her mental balance and she started behaving like a 4 - 5 year old baby..., so, this a custody case of Mrs. Rhea Agnihotri, between her husband, My client Mr. Shlok and Her mother Mrs. Pragya as they think Rhea isn't safe with the other one..., but that's absolutely wrong as Rhea is Shlok's wife.., she will definitely be safe with him..,

Sinha: no your honour.., for a child the safest place is with her mom.., and in this situation, I request u that until Rhea recovers from her mental illness.., Her custody should be given to my client.., Mrs. Pragya Raisinghania..., plus, Mr. Shlok and Mrs. Rhea were going to take divorce as their marriage was never meant to happen.., it was just an accident...,

Shlok fumes hearing him and shouts..,

Shlok: shut up, who the hell are u to decide my marriage was accident or intentional.., Me and Rhea were very Happy..,

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