His Love....

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At Arora's Villa,

Vansh: and then I manipulated whe situation in my favor, Pragya unwillingly accepted our relationship on sarla Maa's saying and..,

He was interrupt by a tight slap on his face, It was sarla who was hell angry...,

Sarla: disgusting (slaps Vansh again), How can u Vansh, How can u..,

Vansh: Maa please..,

Sarla: I'm not your Maa, Vansh u are so shameless, how can u do this.., I can't believe that it's u, My Vansh, My son in law whom I loved more than my own son, in fact I even went against Pragya many times and supported u, only to find that u were betraying all of us by trapping my daughter in your fake love..,

Vansh: Please don't say that Maa, My love for Pragya is not fake, she's my everything, She's my soul and ...,

Sarla(shouts): and what, it u truly loved Pragya then u would have asked for hand directly, u won't have married her by breaking her marriage with a lie, My Pragya, don't know what she's going through, she already was betrayed in past (looks at Abhi who looks down) and know u...,

She sits on sofa feeling dizzy, Purab goes to her..,

Purab: Maa, Aryan get some water...,

Aryan nods and gets water while Vansh goes to sarla worriedly..,

Vansh: Maa..,

Sarla: don't u dare to call me Maa, I have no relation with you and (looks at Kokila) Kokila, u knew about all this right...,

Kokila was teary eyed and nods..

Kokila: I'm sorry sarla, but Please understand that..,

Disha: what understand Mom, I really don't know what to say, how can u guys do like this, Jij Pragya dii loves you a lot and you..,

Ishita: what will he say Disha, bolne ke liye kuch hona toh chaiye, Vansh a lie is always a lie, 21 years, 21 years of Relationship, what Pragya must be going through, what she must be thinking taht her First Marriage ended on a Bitter note and now her second marriage, did it even exist..,

Vansh looks at Ishita shocked while rest of the family was also angry with Vansh...,

Vansh: stop it, please stop it, Ishita, Sarla Maa, Disha, I love Pragya yaar, nothing is lie, our love, our marriage, our kids everything is true, ask our kids, who saw their parents spending their married life full of love, nothing was lie, Arav, (goes Prachi) Prachi, say something beta, My love is not a lie...,

He holds Prachi and Arav's Hand but they take their hands back shocking Vansh while Prachi was crying, Arav hugs Sia looking away from Vansh....,

Prachi: although your love is not a lie but the foundation of your love, this marriage is based on a lie...,

Vansh stumbles hearing Prachi's words, Kokila holds him..,

Kokila: u all please stop treating my son like a criminal, I agree what he did is wrong but does his one mistake makes his all right doings wrong, u tell me sarla..., Did Vansh failed in doing any of his duty, was is he a bad Husband, or A Bad Father or a Bad son in law, or did ever Pragya felt like Vansh never loved her, U tell me Prachi, I Hate saying this but did ever u felt like Vansh wasn't your father, in fact he loved u more than his own kids..

Prachi was emotional while Vansh was slight angry...,

Vansh: Mom please don't say that, Prachi is my daughter, My princess...,

Kokila: I'm not denying that but..,

Vansh: but what is wrong is wrong mom, let me talk please, Maa ( He walks towards sarla and gets on knees touching her feet), I know Maa what I did is wrong but, at That time I don't know, I was acting like a Maniac, I mean I was very stubborn and I had habit to get what I want and when I got so attached to Prachi and Pragya, I started loving them, I wanted them in my life, I wanted to make a family, My wife, My daughter and Me, I know, I know I can't justify my act, but Maa, Please forgive me...,

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