Will they Meet.....

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Purab: my dear dii.., u r just wasting your time since last two months..., if meeting her was in your destiny, then u both would have met...,

Pragya gets little angry on him...

Pragya: just shut up purab.., not again.., I told u na.., I'll meet her one day.., I'll meet my daughter.., my first child.., (she gets teary eyed...) MY KIARA..., she's here in Mauritius and I'll definitely find her....

Pragya looks on with a determined face to find Kiara...,


Purab: dii.., I understand u r missing Kiara.., but dii.., u just got a simple clue that after kiara separated from us Tanu and Nikhil shifted to Malaysia.., then y r u in Mauritius..

Pragya: coz I got that information.., after that Fashion event when everyone got to know about me n Rhea.., while coming to Mansion.., I got a news....


In pragya's car...

Ali gets a call, as he was driving he speaks through the bluetooth in his ears..., he picks the call...

Ali: hello.., (caller tells something, ali stops the car with jerk and shouts..) what.., are u sure about this.., cool send me the info...

Pragya was just shocked by what just happened...ali looks at her..

Pragya: what was that.., who called...

Ali: Boss, actually.., I got a information...

He tells pragya something.., pragya gets shocked and teary eyed..,


Purab: what did ali told...

Pragya: actually when I killed Tanu after she kidnapped Rhea and Vansh killed Nikhil.., I asked ali to get their information about last 20 years.., I got to know that They were living in Malaysia.., then i got to know that Tanu and Nikhil sold My little kiara to someone...(she was crying saying this, while purab gets shocked.., he holds pragya..) some people who used to do Human Trafficking bought kiara.., but when they were taking kiara and other girls., Malaysian Cops Caught them..., Nikhil and Tanu denied to know that people and Kiara.., and little kiara wa as traumatized she wasn't speaking in that situation..., so that time they sent kiara to an orphanage in Malaysia....,

Purab was teary eyed now, but also confused...

Purab: but dii.., how do u know this in so much details.., I mean maybe that's another girl not our kiara...

, I mean maybe that's another girl not our kiara

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Pragya takes out a paper from her purse.., and shows it to Purab...

Pragya: this the copy of police record.., when they caught that human Trafficking gang...,it has info about the kids they saved that say.., look carefully...

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