Twisted Plan (2)....

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In Sudha's Clinic...,

The door of cabin opens and Pranbir comes out of the Cabin, They look at Ishita and Vansh, were hell shocked while Vansh and Ishita were also shocked..,

Sudha: let me introduce u guys, they are Ishita and Vansh and, Vansh - Ishita, meet Mr. Ranbir Kohli and His wife, Mrs. Prachi Ranbir Kohli..,

Vansh remembers what Dr. Sudha said a while ago that the girl is pregnant, He glares Prachi and Ranbir...,

Vansh(gritting his teeth): Hello, Mrs. Kohli..,

Prachi gulps hearing his tone...

Ishita: Prachi u..,

Vansh: Ishita why don't u go and do your check up, I'll have a word with this young couple (He goes and Forwards his hand) Hello, Mr. Husband...,

He speaks sternly, while Ranbir shakes his hand but Vansh was squeezing it, Ranbir wanted to shout in pain but gets quiet seeing Vansh's glare...,

Sudha: He's Right Ishita, come let's do your check up, u are my last patient for the day..,

She goes in cabin, Ranbir winces in pain..,

Ranbir: Mamu please leave my hand it's paining, please...,

Prachi: Da.., Dad..,

Vansh(sternly): don't u dare to utter a word, Prachi, or Mrs. Kohli, what should I call u..,

Ishita: Vansh, leave his hand first.., (she makes Vansh leave Ranbir's hand which was all red) u hurt his hand, talk to them, let them clarify...,

Vansh: u mean I'm hurting them what about me and Family, I'm feeling (He raises his hand to slap Ranbir, But stop in mid air) Prachi is lucky that I don't raise hand on girls, especially Her, My Daughter, My Princess, My Life.., and u Ranbir Kohli, thank to your stars that we are in a clinic, I don't want to create a scene here, meet me at Home, then I'll see u both...,

Prachi was hell scared seeing Vansh's anger, as he never gets angry on her but today, His eyes were red in anger while Ranbir gulps as He understood that Vansh is gonna hit him badly...,

Prachi: Da, Da, Dad please li, listen..,

She stammers being scared, Vansh was about to scold her but Ishita speaks..,

Ishita: Vansh, please listen them once, they are kids..,

Vansh: Ishita for God's sake stop calling then kids, you this so called Kid's are planning their own kids.., they are not even married, do u even know how will everyone react, Media will ruin our reputation, we are the Richest Family of India, THE Raisinghania's, okay for once I'll ignore media, what about Family, only me, Pragya and Pallavi dii know about their live - In Relationships, Pragya and Pallavi dii were against it but still I convinced them after giving a warning to this two brats (points at Ranbir and Prachi) and this is what I'm getting, I warned u both right, everything should be in limits..,

Prachi and Ranbir were getting more scared and guilty by his increasing anger, although Vansh was speaking in low tone not so not to trouble Dr. Sudha..,

Ranbir: Ye, Yeah Mamu, woh..,

Dr. sudha calls from inside..,

Sudha: Ishita, I'm waiting...,

Ishita: Yeah coming Doc, Vansh please don't loose your calm, we will talk later..,

She goes in while Prachi also tries to speak but Vansh speaks..,

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