Mega Revelation (Part 2)

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V.R mansion....

Pragya and abhi were telling their story.., and rest were quietly listening to the.., Raisinghania's were shocked by new development.., that is Disha and purab relation....

Vansh: if purab is your ex husband that mean.., aa..

Before he could speak, Disha signs Ritik and he keeps hand on Vansh and nods no...

Ritik(whisper): bhai don't get adi's topic here.., kids are here they don't know the truth.., not now...

Vansh nods...

Purab looks at them suspiciously...

Purab: what were u going to say Mr. Raisinghania....

Vansh: I mean.., u r the man who betrayed Disha.., that means alia is your mistress turned wife.., am I right....

Pura gets angry hearing him...,

Purab: insaan ok us bare main nhi bolna chaiye jis bare me use pta na ho..., my and Disha's relation is none of your business...

Vansh was angry hearing him...

Vansh: listen u...

Pragya(loudly): enough.., this time we aren't talking about purab and Disha.., shall I continue or r u guys done...

Vansh and purab gets quiet...,

Prachi: mom u plz continue....

Abhi: so after Disha came in our lives.., everything was going on smoothly.., alia and Tanu were still their as I was a fool to believe them.., then a women called simonika came in our life...,she wanted to kill me and pragya.., as in past the goon who alia and Tanu hired to kill us was died in an police encounter while police were trying to save us..., that women simonika she wasn't successful in killing us but she killed my dadi..(abhi was teary eyed, even Mehra's were emotional as they remember dadi., Dasi was teary eyes hearing about her elder sister....) and In Rage I blamed pragya for dadi's death.., which was and absolute nonsense behavior of mine.., and due to this pragya left me forever....

Rhea: on sec.., if u guys were separated after dadi's death then when were we born...

Disha: let them complete na Rhea.., don't speak in between.., thus is half story.., half is remaining...,

Rhea gets quiet..., Vansh and pragya look at each other with no expression...

Pragya: I was depressed after we separated, I tried to commit suicide but King Singh save me.., and I got to know that I'm pregnant..., my daughter.., my kiara...

Prachi: which daughter.., I mean who kiara..

Vansh: hold on.., the same kiara who died 20 years ago...

Pragya(loudly): stop it Vansh.., my daughter is alive.., I will find her today or tomorrow.., don't u dare to say that again...

Pragya was emotional and her voice was cracking..., Vansh looks down guilty.., as he knew that pragya had a daughter and she's finding her from last 2 decades...,

Vansh: sorry..., I didn't mean that...

Pragya looks other side and wipes her tears..

Prachi: and mom that's y u suggested me this name.., for my business.., this was a unique name so I gave my company this name.., Kiara Industries...

Rhea: hold on if we have an elder sister then where is she..., and that king Singh.., I heard this name somewhere....

Ranbir: The Rapstar King singh.., First he used to live in London, but 20 years ago he shifted to Australia....

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