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Today over on Tumblr, I received fanart for Charlotte Tarvers from Katja6039 and to say I am absolutely floored is an understatement!! I cant get over how beautifully she captured someone like Charlotte in her incredible art! She has such talent and skill and I'm honored to have received art such as this for Sunshine Soldier and for Charlotte! Thank you Katya! Your art is incredible and please never stop doing what you do!! 💛💛 SIMPLY STUNNING! I was in a puddle when I saw the tag and now I'm just smiling like a dork over this, SIMPLY INCREDIBLE! YOU HAVE SUCH TALENT! Art is truly the path to a human's heart, whether it be writing, music, art or another form - art is power!

Today over on Tumblr, I received fanart for Charlotte Tarvers from Katja6039 and to say I am absolutely floored is an understatement!! I cant get over how beautifully she captured someone like Charlotte in her incredible art! She has such talent a...

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