chapter 73: landsberg

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 " Part of wisdom is knowing when to react strongly and when to let things pass

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 " Part of wisdom is knowing when to react strongly and when to let things pass."

- Nick Vujicic


They traveled the rest of the day before stopping just after night fall at some German houses, and large complexes with families. Charlotte found herself shoved into a room where she found Speirs and Liebgott just in front of her. She followed the CO inside and began hearing frantic German that she was positive Liebgott could understand.

" Tell her she's got five minutes." Speirs said firmly to Lieb as he translated to the frantic mother. Speirs pulled his hat off as he pointed to a chair where Charlotte could put her stuff. She gladly pulled off her helmet and satchel before turning to the mother in case she needed a female to step in.

" Sir, she says they've got nowhere to go, but the house next door is-"

" We're only gonna be here one night!" Speirs yelled at the woman, and Charlotte took a few steps back meeting the frantic eyes of the mother. It was so loud. " You've got four minutes!" Liebgott immediately turned and yelled the words in German to the frantic woman. Charlotte stepped forward pushing past Liebgott and the CO.

" Tell her to pack what she can." Charlotte turned to Liebgott as he quickly translated to the woman before pointing to me. She calmed a bit before handing Charlotte the child in her arms and rushing around the tiny complex to fit what she could into her arms and bags. Charlotte held the 4 year old in her arms, as he clung to her tightly, seemingly trusting her. She turned and looked at Speirs who seemed like a complete hot head at the moment that she'd deal with later. The only thing calming Speirs was seeing the young girl counseling the child in her arms. She looked to Liebgott.

" Tell her that she can come back tomorrow morning after we leave. We only need to be here one night." she said, and Liebgott immediately translated as the woman came over with bags of stuff.

" Danke." the woman whispered to Charlotte, taking the small child from the girl's arms and leaving the room immediately, shutting the door with a click behind her. Charlotte whipped around to face Speirs and Liebgott who seemed both a little angry at the moment. She sighed. Welp, they were gonna have to sleep one way or another at this point. She wasn't sure why Speirs remained, but he did as he sat down at the dinner table and put his head in his hands. Charlotte stepped over to the stove and looked to where there was food cooking and different packages opened on the shelves and counters. She wondered if she could cook something up to calm the two hot heads she was rooming with now. There looked to be some type of boiling sausage and kale possibly and she thought at this point it was better than nothing. She began stirring the sausage before placing it on a plate next to the kale. She sprinkled some seasoning on the two different platers. She turned back to the two silent men, Speirs seemingly rethinking his manors, and Liebgott placing his weapon down and sitting on the bed. " I am not going to remain in this room if you two groucho's are gonna sit there with your mouths shut like you weren't just screaming 2 minutes ago." she said firmly, looking at the two with her arms crossed and a raised brow.

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