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" a journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step."

 - confucius

June 4th, 1944 - Upottery, England

England. England had been the starting point for the massive journey the Airborne was going to embark from. It was a bright, and sunny afternoon, a few clouds rolling over in the sky, birds chirping, and a nice moderate temperature that wasn't completely too warm or too cold. Every soldier that passed though, one might say you could feel the tension rolling off them in waves. There was an undeniable fear that had settled into the pits of everyone's stomaches, and crazed thoughts that rattled all of their brains consistently. 

They all felt it. 

The planes were being loaded, all the paratroopers with their equipment set and prepared for themselves. A slight breeze had picked up, but otherwise the overlying mood that wanted to be portrayed was evident. The young medic, with short brown French braids, pulled her laces a little tighter than normal today, and shined her boots just a little extra as well. Her heart pounded inside her chest, nearly in her throat. She looked up and watched as her ranking medic, Doc Eugene Roe walked towards her, with a steady pace, and a serious feature covering it. He stopped in front of the girl with a nod.

" Hey." The girl looked towards him, now doing the same tying method to her other boot. He smiled gently and then took a seat next to her.

" Sink gave out our informational sheets with our supply lists," he started, clearing his throat, " I asked him if you could be on my jump as well." The girl looked at him with a raised brow.

" Really?" Gene nodded with a smile.

" Yes, does it come as that big of a shock to you?" he asked with a chuckle.

" There's just a lot of other medics that you could choose besides me." the girl answered, pulling on the laces of her boot.

" Well, I made a promise not too long ago, and it's something a man like me's gotta keep." he said, opening up the folded paper.

" Fox company, we go in five!" a voice yelled over the company.

" Someone wants to get a move on." the girl muttered, shining the tips of the boot quickly. Gene snorted. Fox Company and Dog Company men were mixed into the group of Easy Company men that crowded the airfield. There were men everywhere and people doing anything they could, just to get their minds off the invasion scheduled for tonight.

" Easy Company!" came a loud booming voice before Gene was able to start speaking.

" Let's go." Gene muttered, folding up the paper and pushing out another breath of smoke.

" Listen up! Gather up around me! Let's move it up! C'mon, gentlemen and lady." the firm voice continued.

" Let's go!" Thomas Meehan pushed, his voice continuing to ring out over the companies.

" Now, the channel coast is socked in with rain and fog. High winds on the drop zone. No jump tonight." he confirmed. " The invasion has been postponed. We're on a 24-hour stand-down. Drill sergeants take charge." the girl looked at Gene who looked at her sadly. 

It had been confirmed, there would be no invasion of Normandy, France tonight.

There would be no soldiers in planes tonight. 

There would be no jump tonight. 


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hey! sorry about the short prologue, but this was simply just an introduction to the great story of band of brothers! i hope you all will enjoy!


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