chapter 28: lieutenant speirs

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" You're beautiful because you know your own darkness and still, that alone doesn't stop you from finding your own light

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" You're beautiful because you know your own darkness and still, that alone doesn't stop you from finding your own light."

- r.m drake


" Tarvers." came a voice, making the girl look up and see Speirs standing there.

" Sir." she managed, her voice cracking. Speirs studied the medic, she was distraught he could tell, and he always seemed to pop up on her when she was like this. He decided not to question it.

" You're wanted at Battalion HQ." Speirs said, and the girl perked up, surprised.

" What?" she asked, " Sorry, sir." Her cheeks flamed red. Speirs could only smile at the girl.

" HQ, said something about needing ya there." Speirs said again. She nodded and hurried past the Lt.

" Thank you, sir." she called back, hurrying in the direction of HQ. Speirs chuckled. Charlotte's cheeks burned all the way to HQ, as she was between excitement and embarrassment. She was wiping her eye when she saw Winters, Nixon, and Sink all there. She stopped and saluted.

" At ease." Sink said coming forward.

" Have a seat, Corporal." Sink said. She nodded and slowly sat down.

" Tarvers, I know we're in the middle of war, and this should be the last of my worries, but you are our only female, so my concern is 100% for you, alright? Some paratroopers in Dog Company have been making some comments about you, which was just brought to light to me today. " Sink stated gently. Charlotte looked up sharply. She had tried to forget about the few in Dog Company who made her a target from day one. She had tried so hard, her friends helping so much.

" What are they saying, sir?" she asked, fear swallowing her whole.

" Very inappropriate things, Tarvers. Now I don't kn-"

" Sir, I can promise you, that what they say isn't true. I wasn't supposed to survive D-Day. I wasn't with anyone on D-Day besides Easy, so whatever they say is not valid. " she stammered, her voice cracking.

" Sir." came a voice, and there in the doorway was a Lt, whom Charlotte didn't know with the last person she wanted to see. William Thompson. The last time she'd seen him was on the boat to England. He looked older, and meaner, and tougher than that time so long ago on the boat. William smirked seeing the young medic.

" Corporal Thompson." Sink said with a nod.

" Sir." William answered with a nod. Charlotte couldn't even look up. She made eye contact with Winters who nodded to her.

" Corporal Thompson, you have made some comments about our only female of the regiment and I heard this has been going on for a while." Sink said. Thompson looked Sink dead in the eye.

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