chapter 82: ve day and austria

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" Someday you'll look back and and understand why it all happened the way it did

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" Someday you'll look back and and understand why it all happened the way it did."

- unknown


The next day, May 7th, Charlotte was wandering up to the Eagle's Nest to see if there was anymore loot she could possibly find when a jeep stopped next to her. She turned and saw that it was Winters and Lipton.

" Want a ride, Sarge?" Winters asked the girl with a small smile.

" Thank you, sir." she said with a wide smile as she climbed up and into the back of the jeep before speeding up to the Eagle's Nest. The trio hopped out and Charlotte was about to head her own way when Winters stopped her.

" Charlotte, wait." he said, she turned and looked at the two with a smile.

" You might want to hear this." he said and waved a finger in her direction. She looked to Lip, confused but he just smiled wider and nodded. She followed the two superiors to the deck, the sing song of cheery, drunk sounding voices following.

" No, god damn it, listen. Hitler, Hitler..." Speirs called the names off his finger, clearly a little bit drunk.

" No." Welsh said with a shake of his head.

" Hitler, Himmler, Goering-" Nixon started, not as drunk, or just used to it, using his Yale knowledge to outsmart the two others.

" And Goebbels." called Welsh. They're voices radiated through the entire balcony and when the non-drunk trio arrived they all gave each other looks. Winters and Lip exchanged an even deeper look, knowing what was about to be said. Winters let out a small laugh and Lip smiled before smiling at the confused yet smiling girl. They walked forward and Charlotte glanced out at the beauty of the Alps and the sight they were able to see.

" Hey Adolf! Fraulein! Love your Eagle's Nest." said Welsh as the trio looked up at the other trio of men. Charlotte had to let out a small laugh as she neared. " I hope you don't mind. We made ourselves at home." Welsh clapped the Major on the shoulder as Nixon and Speirs peered up at them slightly dazed and drunk mixed together, Nixon a bit more put together than Speirs at the moment.

" Lieutenant Lipton. Sergeant Tarvers." she heard Speirs drunkly say as she looked over at her CO with a smirk before meeting Lip's eyes.

" Love what you've done with the place here." Welsh said, gripping the Major, who had a big smile on his face by the biceps. " Hey, have a drink. Come on." Welsh reached down and pulled up a large bottle of liquor.

" Just so we can say we saw you do it." he said with another wide grin.

" Charlotte! Charlotte!" called Speirs, drunk as a skunk. She glanced at the leaders and they just laughed and shrugged their shoulders. Winters pulled something out of his pocket a small smile set on his face, as he did so.

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