chapter 87: salute the rank

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" We salute the rank, not the man

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" We salute the rank, not the man."

- Major Richard D. Winters


Speirs returned to his office. He slowly pushed open the door to find the girl curled rather uncomfortably in the chair she'd seemingly remained in, fast asleep. There were tears still rolling down her cheeks, eyes shut tightly as well, arms around her body as she sat curled up. Speirs' heart broke, as he feel slightly back against the closed door. His heart broke for the girl. Speirs walked forward, knowing the girl needed to rest right now in a bed with the boys that loved her around her. He slowly crouched in front of her chair and brought his hand up to her shoulder, gently rubbing it.

" Hey, Sunshine. You gotta wake up." he whispered softly. Her bleary blue eyes slowly fluttered open, a few extra tears leaking out in the process.

" Sir?" she whispered softly, sitting up groggily, and rubbing her eyes. She stared up at the CO.

" What's wrong?" she asked. She seemed better and looked better, but all Speirs could envision was how in pain she had looked and it came flooding back.

" It scared me. I tried not to show it." Speirs said quietly, slowly standing and sitting back on his desk. He looked down at the girl with soft brown eyes. " I was afraid that I'd be getting those dog tags back without you, Charlotte." Charlotte looked sadly at the CO.

" Sir...." she wasn't sure even what to say. Her bottom lip trembled slightly and she sniffled, looking down to avoid the CO's eyes. She slowly uncurled and stepped forward to wrap her arms around the CO's neck to calm herself, and listen to some type of normal heartbeat and pattern to breath gently too. Speirs wrapped his arms automatically around the girl and held her for a while. But he was willing to do that, he was willing to do that for any man or in this case woman in the company. Her sniffles slowly got quieter, but she still trembled in his arms. He pulled back from her, and reached up his hand to brush tears and hair from the girl's eyes and face.

" I'm sorry, sir." she whispered, her voice breaking innocently.

" It's ok." Speirs whispered, nodding to her. " It's ok." Charlotte felt a bubble of tears filling inside her, and she let out a small sob, screwing her eyes shut.

" It hurts." she whimpered, as she let Speirs pull the emotionally distraught girl into his body again. A knock sounded on the door, and footsteps entered. Charlotte pulled back and Speirs stood up, keeping an arm over the girl's shoulder, as the person walked in. It was Talbert.

" Sir. I can't find-" Talbert stopped seeing Speirs with an arm wrapped around Charlotte's shoulders, as tears rolled down her face. " Charlotte."

" Hey Bunny." she whispered softly, wiping at her eyes. Talbert gently shut the door and walked forward, looking at the girl with soft eyes.

" Hey, sunshine." he whispered to the girl. There was this heavy weight that encased the entire room, and hung like a thick blanket, suffocating and warm.

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