chapter 75: the women's camp

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" The more you care, the more it hurts."

- unknown


( a/n ) french language translations at the bottom of the page!


The trucks of food arrived back quickly, the prisoners swarming the trucks, their hands outstretched, begging and grabbing for any nearby food as a few of the soldiers in the truck, cut hunks of food off and threw it toward them, while also filling large pitchers of water and handing it out to them. Charlotte sucked in a breath as she watched with wobbly knees at how fast they were consuming the large amounts of food into their bodies. She had stepped up and tried to stop the prisoners from consuming the large amounts of food too quickly, but they had only consumed if faster, speaking in rushed German, which she couldn't comprehend. She was roughly pushed to the ground as she attempted to slow down one of the prisoner's consumption of water, her bottom hitting the rough soil, and her hands catching her at the same time as she grimaced in pain. She looked up and saw the feet mulling about around her and she noticed a hand appear and she grasped it tightly. She stood and looked over to meet Skinny's eyes. She gave him a thankful forced smile which he could see right through the red puffy eyes and the fresh tears, before she turned and headed towards the jeep where Colonel Sink and Major Doc Kent were. She hurried over and wiping her hands quickly on her pants, shook a frightful hand with the two. And then saluted.

" Sir," she said, facing Doc Kent, " they're consuming food too quickly on small stomachs." Kent nodded to her, a silent agreement in his eyes before he turned to Sink.

" Colonel, if we continue to feed these prisoners too much food, their stomachs will gorge and they could possibly die from too much intake with how small their stomachs and food consumption limitations are at the moment." Kent explained to the Colonel, who let out a sigh, opening his mouth to speak before the phone rang and he began talking in a hurried pace into the phone. Charlotte looked over to where the mass amounts of prisoners consuming food was happening and she had to sigh, she noticed Winters, Nixon and Liebgott just behind them break through the large crowd.

" Dick, Major Winters!" she heard Sink call out to him as Winters and Nixon hastily came over.

" Yes, sir." called Winters as he approached and noticed the tiny medic with them as the 3 met the 2.

" Sir." Winters said saluting the man of higher rank, Nixon following suit. Charlotte met fearful eyes with Liebgott in the back, and she felt her mouth drop to a thin line. Liebgott stayed back, but she knew he was listening in from behind.

" This is Doctor Kent, the Regimental Surgeon." Sink introduced, as the 3 men shook hands.

" Now, Doc, you tell Major Winters and Captin Nixon what you and Tarvers just told me."

" Yes, sir." Kent answered before turning to the two men, " We need to stop giving these men food right now. They're starving. If we give them too much to eat too quickly, they'll eat themselves to death. We need to keep them in the camp, 'til we can find a place for them in town"

" You want us to lock these people back up?" Nixon asked, as Charlotte stared somewhat sadly at the ground. She couldn't imagine being given food and freed, and then shoved right back in.

" We got no choice, Nix." Sink said looking at the Captain.

" Otherwise they might scatter, we need to keep them centralized so, we can supervise their food intake and medical treatment, so until we find some place better." the girl spoke up, the 4 men looking at the young medic, whose voice wavered slightly, but maintained her authority.

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