chapter 98: gene

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" A good friend knows all your stories, but a best friend has lived them with you

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" A good friend knows all your stories, but a best friend has lived them with you." 

- unknown


( a/n ) BABY BOY GENE! he's so cute i can't. hey! hello! and welcome! it's 2020 y'all and i've finally updated! i feel like i've been away for so long, and i've finally gotten back to this story. i haven't had time coming into the new year with all my school work, but i have free time and could update!! it's shorter than the rest of the chapters, but meaningful. i hope you all enjoy my first chapter of 2020!! 


" Gene." Charlotte whispered her voice cracking as she slowly stepped forward into the light and wrapped her arms around his neck. He didn't need to say anything as he stepped forward and wrapped his own arms around her waist and hugged her close. She couldn't believe he was standing in front of her right now, and she was hugging him. She pulled back and stared into his eyes.

" You're here." she whispered smiling, brushing away a tear.

" I figured I should make a visit to my favorite medic, I've always wanted to ever since the war." he said smiling. She let out another smile, that made Gene smile wide. He hadn't seen her in so long and she looked happy, healthy, and as always smiling.

" Come in." she said, turning and leading him inside. He smiled as he stepped into the house and looked around. She had described her home to him in Bastogne and she had gotten it down to the detail. The Christmas tree was up in the corner and the stockings were hung as well as the plush couches with large pillows on top. There was pretty, natural light that came into the front room, and flowed throughout the rest of the house.

" I'm sorry to just show up here, Charlie, but I knew I needed too." Gene said, as Charlotte turned to him as they entered the kitchen.

" Don't worry about it, Gene, I don't care and my family surely won't care either." she stated, getting out the coffee pot and starting a pot. She noticed he had a bag and his coat.

" Here, let me take this." she said and took it out to the front room. Gene admired the kitchen while she left watching as it flowed into the sunroom where flowers and multiple plants grew. It made Gene smile at it all. The house reminded him of the personality of the young medic. He had missed her bright, sunny smiles and her always exciting personality, and his wife had basically forced him up to visit her. He'd talk about visiting over and over and soon enough Gene showed up at home one day after work where his wife held out a train ticket toward him up to Virginia, and he'd accepted it. Charlotte came back into the kitchen and smiled when she saw Gene walking around the kitchen and finally stopping to look out of the window.

" It's just as you described it, Charlie." he stated looking out the window to the outside world. Charlotte smiled and then filled two cups with coffee before walking over and standing next to Gene looking out. He happily accepted the cup of coffee.

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