chapter 37: head shot

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" You never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore

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" You never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."

- unknown


Charlotte laid absolutely still beside Bull, as the conscious and unconscious stayed in hiding. The German voices outside bounced off the walls of the inside of the barn, the occasional gunshot or two, and sometimes the bark of a far off dog, but it was the safest place for now. A small groan left Charlotte's lips as she shifted and moved around. The blood had caked her light brown hair an almost completely different color, and the dirt, smoke, and blood on her face was even more offsetting. She was pale, and cold sweat had formed on her forehead. Bull had already feared the worst when he reached her. She had shallow breathing, and the thick blood had drenched his hands as he tried to carry her while keeping the wound covered. Charlotte slowly sat up, her eyes adjusting to the darkness of where they were. She saw a figure, and her hand reached for her knife. But she stopped.

" Hey Sunshine." came the calming southern voice. It was Bull.

" Bull?" she asked, her eyebrows shooting up. " Where the hell are we? What happened?" Bull stared at the girl. Did she not remember?

" You got hit, and we got separated from Easy, but by morning these Germans will be gone and we can head back to Easy." he spoke softly and with ease, trying not to scare the young girl, but he knew by this point from what Easy had seen, nothing could scare her more. She didn't really digest the information. She stared at Bull utterly confused. She had gotten hit but where? Sure, yes, she was exhausted, and she felt somewhat sick to her stomach, with a dizzy vision, and clouded thoughts, but she felt fine otherwise. A thick cloth was wrapped around her head, her tiny braids peeking out from underneath. She felt the soaked blood seeping through the back of it, and began to feel around it. She nearly screamed when she finally assessed the situation. She turned to the southern man.

" I, I think they shot me, right in the head." she said rather breathlessly. Bull looked at her, a half eaten K ration raised to his lips.

" Do you feel ok? I tried wrapping it around, to hold the blood flow, but it seems like a graze, sunny." Bull exclaimed softly. She hoped. Then a cough came through the barn. The two froze, meeting each other's gaze, before hopping up and hurrying to the other side of the barn to peak out toward the back entrance. She felt queasy standing, but pushed forward beside Bull and peaked around. A Dutch man came through, and before Charlotte could react, Bull jumped forward pushing a knife to the man's throat. She swallowed the yelp and watched as a smaller figure appeared. A young girl had trailed behind and she watched in fear at the sight of the man, presumably her father held at knife point. The young girl stepped closer, a pure look of terror crossing her face. Charlotte stepped forward, and the young girl snapped her eyes to Charlotte. Bull slowly let the knife go before pushing the father and daughter into a hidden pen in the corner. He grabbed Charlotte pushing her next to the farmer's daughter quickly, a noise resounding from outside the barn.

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