chapter 94: medal of honor

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" Sometimes a little thing you do gives happiness to someone

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" Sometimes a little thing you do gives happiness to someone. So never stop doing little things."

- Anurag Prakash Ray


Charlotte wrote Ron later that day, pouring her heart out to him. She missed him so much, but she tried not to let that sadness inflict inside her home with her family. She wrote Ron a 4 page letter, but she felt better as she sent it in the mail the following day, knowing he'd receive the letter and it'd almost be like they were together. 

By dinner, her entire family knew of the letter and the Medal of Honor and were buzzing with excitement. Her father couldn't express how proud he felt of his oldest daughter. He had seen her grow from such a small child, to a mature, intelligent and independent young woman who could take care of herself. When her grandparents arrived on Saturday, they found out about the Medal of Honor as well, and had just about hugged the life out of Charlotte seeing her returned home. There were tears and hugs, but Charlotte had missed her grandparents so much. They'd come over with her parents, and they'd seen the war, and what their children had gone through, now seeing what their granddaughter had gone through. But Charlotte tried to diverge the conversation from the topic of herself as she knew Louis was sweating bullets waiting to propose to Caroline. 

The dinner was delicious, everyone noticing how little Charlotte ate, but she had told hilarious stories of her times with the boys from the past 3 years, yet she had avoided the ones mostly where they were in combat. Those were too real for her to think back on, she still had difficulty remembering and trying to explain what she went through. But Caroline, who had belted out laughing at some of them, had made Charlotte feel better about mostly everything. The two got along great. Caroline, you wouldn't think of it, was drop dead hilarious. She was funny, and some of her jokes were so clever that when you got them, you'd be laughing for 20 seconds after. Louis asked if Caroline wanted to see the horses outside, and she agreed, as the rest of the family decided to clean up, but Charlotte snuck away and watched as her brother got down, and ask Caroline the very question. 

As Charlotte was going upstairs to bed that night, she saw the two in the dark, just staring at each other with small smiles on their faces, as Louis ran a hand through her hair softly and she giggled a few times. Charlotte smiled to herself, seeing her brother happy, happy and alive and in a relationship with someone who loved him back and cared for him no matter what happened. She wrote to Gene the following morning, having the need to talk to a friend.


It's been weird not waking up in a foxhole, or not having to reach for a medic satchel or boots. It's weird not seeing you or the rest of the guys either. I miss being able to talk to you about everything, but letter form does just fine. My brother, Louis, proposed to a girl he had loved for a long time, and helped him after the war a lot. The weddings in early December, and it's not going to be anything too big, but I think a few of the men from my brother's platoon are invited. Watching my brother marry the love of his life, I feel is an amazing opportunity by God himself. But then I remember the love of Easy Company, and the bond it brought and that security is brought as well. I haven't gone a day yet where I haven't thought about all the men, alive and those who have sacrificed, thanking God for what they've all done for me, good and bad. My family, they really are appreciative of every man in Easy and what they've done for me, and I hope you're able to visit in the future. I hope you've been settling into normal life. It's been hard, but I'd expect it. I hope you have a great beginning of October, Gene. I really do.

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