chapter 20: the german

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" Sometimes you need to be your own hero

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" Sometimes you need to be your own hero."

- unknown


translations of french conversation will be below chapter!!

+ slightly graphic depiction of a fight, but nothing insane

-thanks guys!


She glanced at the map again, before folding it up, rather angrily and shoving it into her breast pocket for safe keeping. She approached the quiet town slowly, keeping her breathing rather shallow. Her footsteps were light on the ground as she reached the back end of the town, but she figured that was just the medic persona weighing in. She froze when a loud explosion rumbled somewhere. She pushed herself against a house as it felt like the whole world was shaking.

The roof collapsed on the house and the impact sent Charlotte forward on her stomach, scrapping up her face and hands. She groaned, dust collecting around her. She shakily looked up and noticed that people were running like mad in the streets. Charlotte cursed internally. These people were supposed to be asleep, not worrying about this. Other houses had their roofs caved in explosions sounded off. Children were screaming, clinging to their other mothers, dogs barking, fires spreading across the town. She shook her head, trying to push the headache and dizziness from her features. She got to her feet and ran over to a mother and her child.

" Courir! Vous devez partir!" she yelled grasping the mothers arm.

" Je ne peux pas partir!" the mother cried, her baby crying in her arms.

" Vous mourrez si vous ne partez pas. Vous devez sortir d'ici maintenant!" Charlotte yelled again, her voice raw. Charlotte could tell she thought she was insane.

" Je suis un soldat américain et je vous dis que vous devez partir." Charlotte urged again.

" S'il vous plaît?" Charlotte pleaded to her. The mother looked at the young medic tears streaming from her eyes before nodding.

" Prenez à droite de cette ville et ne vous arrêtez pas." the young medic said gently to her. She nodded and glanced to her baby. Charlotte pulled a bandage from her medic bag ripping it with her teeth as another explosion rattled off around them. Charlotte began the wrapping process, and held the baby gently. It was crying, and she hopped the mother would follow her instructions leave.

" Aller!" Charlotte yelled, pointing in the direction after sealing the bandage. The mother nodded, and took off with her baby. Charlotte turned as another explosion shook the town. She heard a crack and had enough time to look up and see the building next to her crumble into a million pieces. She darted forward but something, a large heavy chunk of wood landed on her ankle and she cried out in pain.

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