chapter 61: one smile

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" Stay strong

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" Stay strong. Make them wonder how you're smiling."

- unknown


A few days after the capture of Noville, Easy was able to sleep inside for the first time in a month. They were sleeping where there was no cold wind blistering them and their faces, or where there was no snow, or cold ground to sit their bums in. They had warm blankets and candles, and the heavenly voices of the church singers that Charlotte needed after the hell they had gone through. Especially with how she felt at the moment, she felt this would immensely improve her overall feeling in general. Charlotte had been one of the very last ones in, making sure the wounded were immediately taken to the closest aid station and that they'd been administered all their vaccinations. She might've been shot days prior, but her shoulder was much better she thought, even if there were twinges every few moments if she did something too quick. She turned, and took the two steps slowly before entering the warm convent. Every soldier was laid out, sprawled practically, smoking, eating, talking quietly, sleeping, some even staring intently at the singers like they were angels. Charlotte, however, walked around, seemingly remaining in routine of her foxhole rounds before bed, checking on the men. She walked up to Shifty first and the two talked quietly, smiling by the end before Charlotte gently kissed his cheek and went off to the next man.

She gave hugs, kisses, and talked with the men, bringing rare smiles to their faces and letting a few chuckles escape. She got to Liebgott next and she sat next to him and held his hand in her two hands, gently brushing her fingers over his skin as if to soothe him. He gratefully accepted the kind gesture and laid his head on her shoulder, letting out a broken sigh, shutting his eyes. She eventually kissed his forehead and placed him gently leaning up against the pew to rest. She moved to Talbert and Chuck next. Chuck was glad for the hug he gave her, warmth drifting from her body to his. She pulled away and he couldn't resist kissing her forehead softly. She smiled up at him. She shared a happy conversation with the two, before moving on down the line toward Lipton. The two talked quietly and she even managed to steal a hug from him as well, which made her smile. Speirs watched the girl go around, smiling, with that beautiful smile he hadn't seen in a while, giving her gentle words to the soldiers of Easy a Company and immediately brightening the mood. Charlotte found a pew where Gene was, and finding no other spot because of the late arrival, he moved over, creating some space next to him where she stepped up and practically collapsed on the chair. She pulled her boots from her foot, gladly accepted the blanket Gene offered, took off her helmet and satchel, placing it on the floor, and snuggled right up next to Gene. He put his arm over her, as she yawned widely and got comfortable. She listened gently to the choir singers, relaxed and finally at what felt like peace. The stress, the tension, the fear, the pain, the anger she'd felt the last month was finally draining from her entire system. She sniffled, and a few tears spiked her eyes as she was in the moment. Gene rubbed the girl's shoulder gently as she sniffled again and wiped her eyes. Perconte was next to them on a stretcher, his butt where the bullet had struck positioned upward, as he stared at the choir singers. Everything was just so peaceful in that very moment. Easy had come into Belgium with 121 men, one lady and officers, plus 24 replacements. Out of the 145, they were leaving with 63. They'd lost so many, and that was the last thing she wanted to think about, and the fact that some she'd never see again, and some she hoped she'd see again really soon alive and well. She was half asleep against Gene, when a small thought swirled into her brain. She peaked over and saw Speirs and Lipton who was leant up against a pew.

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