chapter 7: sunshine

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" You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else

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" You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else."

-Albert Einstein 


(a/n) there is a part in here that is inspired by Small, but Powerful by buxy04 and one of the scenes in her early chapters. when you get to it, you'll probably know it, but it deals with charlotte running currahee, and her company nickname. the scene was inspiring to me, so that's why i wrote it with my own twist, i loved the concept a lot. thanks!! enjoy!


It grew dark as she was halfway to the top. 

She was alone in the Georgia wilderness racing up toward a mountain top. Not like she'd never done this before though. She heard the bugs and the birds throughout the trees, but her light footsteps and panting kept her running to the top. She didn't care that Sobel had made her run the mountain again, she'd helped the man who stumbled, someone part of the company, and usually in doing so, even in war there was price, and she was willing to pay it. She slapped the top of the stone and gave a look out to the darkening camp and night sky. 

She huffed and began racing back down Currahee. She must've surprised the guys when she walked right in, everyone dressed in their olive drab and washed up, sweating, still in her PT gear and shoes as she picked up a tray, and quickly ate her food alone, before hurrying out of the mess hall without a word. The first few men back found the young girl, in her other PT gear set, completely cleaned up, hair in a bun as she read her Grey's Anatomy book with the little light on. 

The kicker was, she wasn't crying, or curled up somewhere complaining about the pain. The girl had hiked up her ass and double timed Currahee and shown Sobel exactly what he was messing with. They admired that. Sobel's training style, was something she figured out quickly over the next few weeks. 

But she didn't want to admit that fact to the soldiers around her, who didn't agree with it. Sobel pushed them this hard because he wanted them to be the best, and little did they know they'd become one of the best. Easy Company and it's leaders were the only one who was accepting of her. Dog and Fox company men were fairly rude, making sexist comments whenever she sat down for a meal, or whenever in training she was too short to get over the wall. She let it roll off her shoulders most days by that point, but it still made her uncomfortable when she'd sit down and a wolf whistle would echo from a Dog Company soldier behind her. His name was Phillips Gibson, she'd figured out. He was tall, cocky, blond-haired, and his aura announced seniority. 

But the men made sure he didn't get to her, and she liked that. She was like their little sister. She was tough though. They knew about her 8 weeks of hell, she wouldn't tell them what happened, but it sure made her ready for Toccoa sure enough. The girl had really grown on the men, with her small smiles, laughable jokes, her toughness, cool under pressure attitude and her kindness that spread throughout the Company. 

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