chapter 60: foy

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" You were born to be real, not to be perfect

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" You were born to be real, not to be perfect."

- unknown


She kept up easily with Speirs, just a few mere inches behind him and to his right. Having 3 brothers really worked up your ability to run and escape from different situations or to be easily be able to run as fast as needed to catch them. An explosion went off in front of the two, but they were able to clear it with ease before coming clean to the other side, to the chaos and to Luz's frantic voice.

" Lieutenant, what are we doing?" he yelled out. Speirs charged forward, collapsing on his knees in front of Dike, and grabbing his collar firmly, looking into the frozen man's eyes.

" I'm taking over." he said simply, before shoving Dike away. Charlotte came in crashing on Speirs' left and giving him and expecting look.

" 1st Sergeant Lipton?!" Speirs voice yelled, music to everyones ears. There was someone with authority that knew what they were doing.

" What have we got?" he called as Lipton appeared.

" Sir, most of the company is spread out here. 1st platoon tried an end around but they're stretched out, they're pinned down by a sniper. I believe he's in the building with the caved-in roof. " Lipton explained over the sound of gunfire.

" Alright, I want mortars and grenade launchers on that building 'till it's gone. When it's gone, I want 1st to go straight in." Speirs explained firmly to Lipton who nodded, " Forget going around, everybody else, follow me. "

" Yes, sir." Lipton responded, as Speirs stood patting his shoulder.

" Thank god, huh?" Luz said, smacking Lipton's shoulder, giving a nod to Charlotte behind him. She brought to fingers up with a tiny salute and turned to Gene, patting him on the shoulder. He nodded.

" Alright, 3rd platoon move out." Lipton yelled, and men started moving. She stood to follow, but stopped and turned to Dike frozen. She grabbed his collar on his chest and got in his face.

" What the hell were you thinking, sir? You think the Germans were gonna let us prance through like the Wizard of Oz, you thought Eisenhower was gonna walk us through to the other side? We're in the middle of freakin nowhere, sir! Get that through your brain!" she yelled, before pushing herself up and off. Luz could only chuckle as he put the walkie back on the radio.

" Alright second platoon on the CO!" Lipton yelled. " Sergeant Alley!"
" Got it, sarge!" Alley yelled back. The mortar rounds took off, as the building with the caved in roof exploded.

" On your feet, 2nd platoon!" yelled Lipton as Charlotte sprinted farther ahead to remain closer to Speirs. A large blast from the 88 blew up a house, barely fazing Speirs as he charged forward.

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