chapter 11: jump wings

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"Only the gentle are ever really strong

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"Only the gentle are ever really strong."

-James Dean


Sobel was not the most pleased the following morning, but no one stepped forward, and no Easy Company man would let the most loved medics step forward, so no further investigation was mounted on this cause. Charlotte left the hall with a wide smirk, and a giggle. 

News that the companies were moving to Fort Benning for their jump training traveled quickly throughout the camp, and many people were surprised at how close their jump wings were to being pinned to their uniforms. Sink was the brilliant genius who read about the Japanese 100 mile march. 2nd Battalion was bound to march from Toccoa to Atlanta, Dog, Fox, and Easy. The 118 miles march began at 0600 on November 29th, spanning for 3 days. 

She continued strong, walking with a guard and hardened features through the chilly snow as it fell from the sky. She spent her nights curled up against Luz in their tents, providing the warmth and body heat they needed. 

The final night was tough though. The chill was coming through the pup tent and right up her nose as she tried to push her face away into a warm place like Luz's neck. Her teeth were chattering and her tiny body was doing nothing to provide an ounce of body heat.

" You still cold, sunshine?" Luz asked her, a yawn following it.

" Freezing." she chattered out. Luz sat up and attempted to close the flaps of the pup tent tighter together to keep the wind out and the cold night air, before coming back with his sleeping bag and shifting closer to the girl.

" Come on, shift closer. Body heat." Luz said. Charlotte shifted her body closer in the sleeping bag and hid her head under Luz's.

" I don't ever want to experience this cold again." she said sniffling as Luz's warm breath came down on her nose.

" Me either, sunshine." he said numbly, wrapping his arm over her and bringing her closer as he began shivering.

Marching into Atlanta on the 3rd and final day, all Charlotte could feel was happiness as the band played for them as they marched into the town, as people cheered. She smiled and it brightened some fo the hopes of the other men around her that were feeling down in the dumps. The Press snapped pictures and Charlotte managed a smile wide for the camera, but couldn't forget the throbbing in her feet. That night, everyone's feet were positioned up with ice and everyone snored in an actual bed after 3 nights. After arriving in early December of 1942, the time for jumping had arrived quickly. The planes were shaky, from what Charlotte could tell. 

And the excitement with the wonderful mix of fear built up inside her as the plane flew through the air. She tried her best to remember the instructions given to her by the Sergeant that had been explaining to them what the experience was going to be like. They were to jump from a C-47 aircraft 5 times throughout the end of November and December to receive their jump wings. And then they'd be paratroopers. And the thought was utterly terrifying.

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