chapter 67: jackson

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" When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light."

- Unknown


( a/n ) hey!! i'm so sorry i haven't posted in what feels like so long! i've been working hard on the massive amount of school work i have and focusing also on marching band and the multiple practices we have each week combined with the homework i also have to do. but i had some free time tonight! sorry it's only one chapter, but it's longer than usual and i really hope you all enjoy it!!


Mortars still rocked the Germans side, flares shot into the air and machine guns ripping off from both sides. She heard the 3 men's footsteps behind her as she slammed into OP 2's door and shoved it open with all her might. A single bead of sweat trickled down her face ever so slightly, and she hoped in her mind that Jackson was ok, and if he wasn't that Gene was bringing the stretcher bearers that had been quietly organizing things in the aid station with them. She heard yelling inside, as her weak muscles attempted to shove open the door again. Inside, there was chaos. People were trying to calm Jackson down assuring him that the medic was almost there, while others were breaking down wanting to shoot the captured Germans.

" Jackson, stay calm, the medic is coming. They're on their way." Webster said, with a light voice to Jackson who's cries escaped his mouth. Ramirez and Skinny stood around attempting to wipe the blood from the young man's face, but his twitching and the added chaos with no reprieve of silence didn't help. Webster was frustrated, as there was still no sign of either of the Docs.

" Where the fuck is the medic?!" Webster yelled looking toward the door, hoping to see Charlotte or Gene bursting around the corner coming their way.

" Doc is on his way. Doc is on her way." Ramirez tried to say, comforting the young boy that both Charlotte and Gene would hopefully be there soon to rid the mess that this patrol had become.

" You'll be ok. You'll be ok." Ramirez said to Jackson who was slowly slipping into shock. But then suddenly, Charlotte was there. She shoved Ramirez out of the way, and stood overtop of Jackson. And it was completely quiet in OP 2's basement. No man said a word as they watched, graced by the girl whom seemed like an angel in this moment, assess Jackson, Gene right behind her. Jackson's chortled breathing came out in rasps as she gently held the boy's face.

" Hey, Jackson, I'm right here. You'll be ok." she said in her rather hoarse voice. His breathing became ragged, and she could barely see his throat in the dim lighting. There was something blocking his ability to breath. She leaned down, as gags emitted from his throat. She tried to listen and assumed it had to be something in his throat. She reached up with her hand and opened his mouth a bit wider as he gagged on his own blood.

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