chapter 48: bastogne

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" Life isn't always sunshine and butterflies

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" Life isn't always sunshine and butterflies. Sometimes you have to smile through the pain."

- unknown


Easy got surrounded quickly, their roads and different access streets were blocked, flushed through with Germans. Charlotte sat in her foxhole, staring at the sky, little white flurries falling and touching her already cold face. Her nose was red, and she'd been sniffling, and suffering from watery and itchy eyes. She wasn't surprised she had gotten some type of cold. Her and Gene had cuddled close together for warmth each night, with only the availability of one blanket. Supplies were extremely low. She thought that when they first arrived in the Ardennes woods that they were low, but now it was just detrimental. There was no medicine, little food, slim to no blankets, and no winter clothing, and absolutely no supply drop. She was freezing. Her tiny body aided no help, so most nights she woke up half frozen, and would have to completely submerge herself under the blanket, nearly waking Gene. It was extremely difficult to keep her body temperature up, and it showed. The blanket did nothing, and the stiff fabric provided no warmth. The only thing that helped was being a medic and being able to run around, warming up the body, and obtaining body heat. She remained happy though, giving a few jokes out and a smile or two and sometimes even a hug or a 'motherly' kiss on the cheek to help the boys sleep at night.

Gene was out, looking for 3rd Battalion, attempting to obtain any supplies he could scrounge. He'd been persuading to Spina and Charlotte, telling them to beg as much as they could from the soldiers for medical supplies that they didn't need. Charlotte began her rounds, after having enough of sitting in the freezing foxhole. She walked through the snow, hands shoved deep into her pockets, chin angled down to prevent the chill from entering her body. Charlotte approached the first foxhole, crouching above it and looking down. Skinny and Perconte were there. She gave them a chilled smile.

" Hey guys." she breathed out. The two looked up at her and smiles spread across their faces.

" Sunshine!" Perconte called, pulling the ever hanging tooth brush from his mouth.

" Hey Sunshine." Skinny said, adjusting his helmet watching her.

" How are you guys doing? Staying warm?" she asked, blowing cold air into her hands and sniffling.

" Yeah, but it doesn't help with having one of the skinniest and one of the smallest guys here, sharing a foxhole and told to keep warm." Perconte smirked in her direction.

" Could be worse, could be stuck with Cobb who thinks you're his wife half the night and ends up groping you in his sleep." she chuckled, sniffling again, thinking of poor Ramirez who had to share with him. The two men broke out into laughs at the girl's snide comment.

" How're you feeling?" Skinny asked, checking a few things on his M1, while looking at her.

" I'm doing fine, Skinny." she said, with a small sigh that the two men noticed and gave 'the eyes' to, when they knew she was lying and didn't want to admit anything.

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