chapter 45: why you're the sunshine

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( a/n ) buxy04's Small But Powerful band of brother's story inspired me for this chapter of the story, but i am giving warnings of verbal and physical assault and mentions. the italics are also the mentions of a flashback. i hope you all enjoy!


Her eyes widened.

" Ok." she said, she really didn't have any type of reaction to the news. " What does that have to do with me?"

" Well, Will talked a whole hell storm up about you every single day, and we heard about all the shit you didn't get to hear with your own ears." he said again with his snarky attitude.

" I don't even care." she said, truth be told she stopped caring what other people had to say about her a long time ago.

" If I were you I would, because the entirety of Dog Company knows all the shit he said about you." he said.

" I don't give one shit about what you say about me." she snapped.

" You know, he always said you were a bitch." the second one sneered, as the group of 5 men closed in on her.

" I wasn't the reason he died." she managed to stutter out.

" Are you retarded?" the third on said, " Speak up when you talk, bitch." Both her arms were grabbed roughly, and she tried to break out of the two harsh hands holding her back tightly. She felt someone else kick the back of her legs, and her knees give out as she fell forward, scrapping her knees almost instantly.

" Don't scream." a voice hissed in her ear, as a hand went over her mouth and she was pulled away from sight between two tents to the dank alleyway in between them. She went to scream at first, but the air came straight back into her mouth making her gag.

" He's dead, and now it's your turn too, shithead." one of them sneered at her, as one of the hands pulled her arm sideways from her socket, and a fist flew at her face, pushing her face first onto the concrete. She groaned as her head hit the concrete and she felt a bruise already forming and blood on her nose. She sucked up the bloody from her nose and pushed with her two hands up from the ground.

" You know William always had you goons around him to protect him from the fact that I could single-handedly beat him up. I guess I scared him enough, that alone I could beat him from his own two feet." she spat, regretting it as a fist flew straight at her stomach, knocking all the air immediately from her chest. She collapsed again on the ground, and felt hands pull her to her back, as fists flew at her already weak and exhausted body, each like a slap of familiarity from the person who did the same thing to her before the Airborne. The boy who had beat her up and hurt her so badly that she didn't even want to return to school again because of it. The boy who she thought loved her for who she was, and didn't want to beat her up for fun because of her size. She felt each punch fly towards her stomach over and over, flashes of the painful memories she had endured previously flying through her vision. The vision of the boy before, kissing her then beating her up for fun, then kissing her and saying he wasn't right in the head in that moment and she believed it. The blood poured from multiple areas on her face. Finally, the young medic had enough. She wiggled her toes, and then brought her knee right up into the boys crotch near her and felt him groan out in absolute pain. She wiggled her fingers and reached out blindly for someone, but it backfired as she felt someone grasp her hand and yanking it backwards, a loud crack following that. She screamed, a guttural, low drawl that scared the shit out the 5 men around her.

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