chapter 23: brecourt manor

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" Kindness is a beauty that never fades

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" Kindness is a beauty that never fades."

- unknown


Charlotte focused back on organizing her bag and making sure she had all the administered medical equipment that she might need for a slew of injuries.

" Sir, I was wondering, sir if you might need an extra hand." a soldier came up and started speaking to Winters.

" Ain't you Sink's jeep driver?" Toye asked turning and looking at the poor guy.

" So?" the soldier asked.

" Oh, shit." Bill muttered.

" What's your name, trooper?" Winters asked as he filled his gun.

" Lorraine, sir." Lorraine said.

" You're with me, Lorraine." Winters said and Charlotte smiled.

" Compton, second squad." Winters called out as he stepped back with his weapon.

" Yes, sir." Compton answered.

" Alright, you heard the word, let's move, let's move." Lipton said to the group. Charlotte stood, shoving her helmet against her head, and moving to follow Winters. She kept close to Winters, Liebgott just behind her as she moved cautiously behind the Captain. She clutched her medic satchel tightly as they hurried through the forest and came into a field where vegetables and vegetation grew uncontrolled. She followed behind Compton up against a wall of stone, before breaking off and collapsing into the dense underbrush against a tree as the rest of the men came forward as well. She looked over to where Lipton and Winters were, and saw Winters climb into an old truck peering out to where she heard the 88s, slightly unfamiliar sound. She heard the familiar German voices and managed to peek through some leaves to one of the guns that was visible and flooded with Krauts. Lipton turned as Winters backed out of the truck. There were 3 cannons with about 5 visible Krauts. Winters came charging towards Compton and urged him forward as Winters came barreling towards where Charlotte and the rest of the second squad were.

" 3 cannons." Winters said peeking out the same area Charlotte had used, as he turned to Buck. There was a loud explosion at the same time as Buck crept forward to get a look at the sight. Another explosion rattled close by and Charlotte looked over her shoulder at the ready men. Winters stood and crouched in front of the group taking on the 1st gun.

" Petty we've got fire." Winters said. Petty nodded.

" Right, let's go." Buck said as the group moved to their positions.

" Stay down." Buck said to Liebgott as he army crawled on his stomach toward an open section facing the multiple guns, and quickly making use of setting up the tripod. Petty crawled in behind Liebgott and carefully set the gun up on the tripod. Charlotte quickly checked that they were set before maneuvering over a little bit to get her own view of what was in front of her. There were at least 3 guns from which she could see at the moment, and they were crawling with Krauts. The guns held MG-42s as well on perimeter basses to shoot in all general directions. Buck raced back over to the where the machine gun was, and crouched next to the young medic. The girl turned and looked where Winters was as he held up his hand. Buck answered by holding his own up in Winter's direction. Joe and Bill moved a little ways down to the line to set up some covering fire, and Malarkey stayed with them as well, crouching low in the bushes. She turned back again, a bead of sweat making way down her forehead as she saw Ranney and Lip take off toward the right. Winters gave the go towards Buck, before disappearing into a bush. Winters looked at the hidden machine group of Liebgott and Petty and gave the subtle signal to start firing.

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