chapter 40: after

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" She's fierce and yes, has a fire in her soul

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" She's fierce and yes, has a fire in her soul. But sometimes even she gets exhausted."



She may have been gone for less than 24 hours, but having her back made all the difference. The mood had shifted, and the company had a purpose again. Charlotte was the soul of Easy Company, and she was part of the reason the company moved like a well-oiled machine. Winters thought back to the D-Day jump when she hadn't shown up and all the men wanted to do was find her and hug her. And when she finally did, that was the only thing Easy Company ended up doing. Easy continued through Holland for multiple weeks, clearing small towns, through some liberations and more failures, yet still remaining alive for the most part. After having had rest in England for nearly a month, the battle fatigue was hitting Charlotte hard. She looked and felt like death on two feet. She'd experienced more death, and trauma than any of the other Easy men, and it was noticeable. What had happened in Nuenen had affected her greatly. She'd done a great thing, and after she had talked with Winters about what she'd done exactly, she couldn't feel anything but sadness for those men. She hoped the 15 she'd saved were still alive and going home soon, and that they were ok. But most of the men worried that Charlotte wasn't ok. She was treated by Gene for her injuries because she practically fought him for trying to pull her from the line. She didn't want to have to leave the men. The bullet that managed to graze the back of her head only managed for a bandage, gauze, and cream to be applied to it every night, and some meds to be taken so she wouldn't be feeling light-headed or sick. Winters checked up on her constantly because of it.

" How're you feeling, Charlotte?" Winters asked the girl, as she stood sorting through her medic satchel in the med hut.

" Ok, sir." she said, " I'm feeling way better."

" That's good, I'm sure Roe's been taking good care of you?" Winters asked her with a raised brow.

" Very good care of me, he has to be one of the finest in the regiment, sir." she said with a smile to him. Winters smiled at her.

" I'm glad you're feeling better though, Charlotte, you also happen to be one of the best in the entire regiment as well." Winters said with a smile to her.

" Thank you, sir." she said, smiling wide.

" The men just want you better, that's all they care about. They know you've been through some stuff these past few weeks with Market-Garden." Winters said to her. " How about you take the last hour off, and get something to eat?" Charlotte looked up at Winters.

" Of course, thank you, sir." she said, standing, and packing up the rest of her back quickly.

" Get some rest too." Winters said as she left the med hut. She turned and smiled with a nod.

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