chapter 22: finding easy

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" The sunrise, of course, doesn't care if we watch it or not

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" The sunrise, of course, doesn't care if we watch it or not. It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it."

- unknown


They turned onto a muddy road, and as they continued down the road, they neared a group of German prisoners and Charlotte had to smile when she none other than Malarkey sitting and chatting with one of them in English. She smirked as the four of them neared.

" Hey Malark," she called as she neared. He looked up from his conversation.

" 'Ey! Sunshine!" he said, getting up and pulling the girl into a hug before looking at her ODs.

" What the hell happened to yo-"

" I'm fine, Malark." she answered with an honest nod. She was glad for the concern from all the boys, but she was fine, " Now why you fraternizing with the enemy?" Malarkey only gave the girl a light shove before sitting back down on his rock.

" I'll see ya around." she called as she raced to catch up with the group.

" 'ey, Sunshine, just don't give those guys a heart attack when you get there, they've been looking for you for hours! Happy Birthday, Doc Sunshine!" Malarkey called to her. She threw a thumbs up his way before catching up next to Skinny. They reached the barn where hundreds of 101st soldiers were, lost from companies, platoons and locations. The five stepped past the slew of dead horses before heading into the main sector where everybody that had found each other seemed to be. The five approached what seemed to be men from Easy, Charlotte noticing that Winters and Buck Compton were talking up ahead, Speirs there as well. She was almost unrecognizable under the large pair of ODs, the large helmet on her head with the black grease face paint, as well as the blood. The only thing that made her somewhat distinguishable was the medic brassard on her bicep. She turned to Perconte and Dukeman.

" Get him to an aid station where ever it is, and they should be able to help him from there. I'm gonna clock in with Winters." she said. She turned to Alfie.

" It was nice meeting ya, Doc." Alfie said, shaking her hand with a smile.

" You too, Alfie. Heal up, alright? You should feel better soon after you get properly taken care of." she explained.

" You and Skinny did a fine job. Thank you. Happy Birthday again," he called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the crowd. She smiled.

" Bye Alfie." she said smiling wider.

" Easy Company!" a few familiar voices called out from their right, as notable faces appeared moving toward the group. Charlotte glanced up and noticed that Joe Toye was there, Bill Guarnere, Popeye Wynn, and Joe Liebgott.

" Who's that?" Guarnere asked nodding over to the girl. She clearly couldn't be recognized, and she knew how terrible she looked.

" It's Charlotte, who else would it be?" Skinny said, pulling his helmet from his head.

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