chapter 27: carentan

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" She was unstoppable

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" She was unstoppable. Not because she did not have failures or doubts. But because she continued on despite them."

- Beau Taplin


( a/n ) hey! i'm back after my few days of not uploading! band camp is finally over, so i have some free time before school to relax and write finally and get back to a normal updating schedule! since i wasn't able to upload for a few days, this is a longer chapter for all my lovely readers, and i'll try to post another chapter or two today! thanks so much for all the comments, reads, and votes! i appreciate every single one of you so much! 


It was D-Day Plus 6, and Easy Company was on the outskirts of Carentan, France. Smoke dusted lightly over the streets, and a creaky window pane swung back and forth as the sun beat down. The Company was quiet, snug in the sunk down sides of the street leading in. The soldiers were piled on the two sides of the road and Charlotte's heart pounded. She knew she had to be ready. There were going to be injuries, and death, and blood. She prepared herself mentally as soldiers stood to their feet, and crouched, hurried forward. She heard the first gunshots, and saw the first two bodies fall, as Luz with his big-ass radio, and Welsh hurrying toward a wall to dodge the bullets.

" In the ditch!" someone yelled, but Charlotte flew to her stomach, grimacing. She watched the two soldiers moving around in pain and their yells and cries echoed towards her. They called for a medic, the very words Charlotte had been trained to hear for years finally being yelled now. She didn't hear Winters yelling at her to stop and get in the ditch. She mustered all her strength and propelled forward through the gunfire coming her way. She yanked one of the soldier's collars and pulled him into the bushes and the ditch. She took a deep breath and reached out pulling the other one into the ditch. As she teared a pack of sulfa with her teeth she heard Winters yelling multiple commands at Easy to move. She poured the powder onto the soldier's wound, and then pulled out a needle of morphine. She plunged it into the guy's leg who immediately calmed down as she continued to strain for Winter's voice. She looked at the poor guy.

" Hey, buddy, I'm gonna fix you up, nice and tight alright?" she cooed, tying a cloth around his leg to control the massive bleeding from the wound.

" Doc, I don't wanna die." he cried, tears expelling from his eyes.

" You won't die in my hands, bud." she whispered, yanking the bandage tighter, before tying it comfortably.

" Stay right here." she said and squeezed his shoulder. She teetered off toward the other soldier collapsing next to him.

" Hey there, bud. I'm gonna take care of ya and make sure you get some sulfa on that wound, and you'll be just fine. " she said, pulling some morphine from her pocket and plunging it into the opposite thigh.

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