chapter 39: alive

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" Helping one person might not change the world, but it could chnage the world for one person

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" Helping one person might not change the world, but it could chnage the world for one person."

- unknown


She stood to her feet, briefly touching the bandage on her head, and pulling back blood, as she hurried over to him with her satchel. She'd lost her helmet. She approached him before gently crouching by his side. He was the one with the leg bullet wound that had just missed the artery.

" Hey." she said, glancing up at him, " How are you feeling?" The soldier softened, glancing at his leg where the wound was and then back up at the girl.

" Ok, but my mouth is dry, and my head hurts." he answered her.

" That's normal signs, at least the dry mouth is, your head hurting could be from tension or if you knocked your head on something, so possibly a concussion, or even just dehydration. Here." she said and handed him her canteen. " Drink some." He nodded a bit dazed still, and started sipping from the canteen finding instant relief.

" Now, I know you may have questions," she said and he nodded, " but I need to make sure you're ok."

" I'm fine, ma'am, thank you, really. How did you find me?" he asked her.

" A fellow Sergeant and I got separated from our company and I have been trying to rescue all soldiers left here through the night." she explained. " You were the first I found."

" After you dropped me off, I think, I saw you bringing everyone back, but I was half awake. There were a few close calls when Krauts walked by, but they never got near, so I tried to stay awake just in case they passed by and saw us, they didn't, but I didn't want all your hard work to go. I can't thank you enough." the soldier explained. Charlotte smiled.

" What's your name?" she asked.

" Private James Dexter. 506th, 101st, 1st Battalion, Charlie Company." he explained.

" Corporal Charlotte Tarvers. Doc, if you will, 506th, 101st, 2nd Battalion, Easy Company." she answered back. The soldier smiled.

" You're the sunshine soldier, right?" he asked, and she nodded with a smile. He handed her back the canteen, and she closed the lid. James glanced at everyone else.

" Are they all alive?" he asked.

" No, two died from wounds they must've succumbed during the fight, but 15, including you, are alive." she said smiling to herself," Most will have to be evacuated from their injuries, others I think will be fine, they're just out from shock, blood loss, head trauma, or their body hindering them unconscious as a way to deal with their wounds."

" Is there anything I can do?" James asked the young girl and she only gave him a sad sigh.

" Not at the moment, all we can do is wait until the sun fully comes up and hopefully my comrade, Sergeant Randleman, finds us and we can try and scout out Easy." the girl explained. James nodded, and grimaced as he adjusted himself to sit up more. Charlotte reached forward and grabbed his webbing to help him adjust and he grimaced out a thank you.

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