chapter 81: the letter

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" The grass is green where you water it

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" The grass is green where you water it." 

- unknown


She felt light sunlight on her face and a small smile crossed her lips. She opened her eyes ever so slightly as she stretched in the bed, while yawning as well. The light was slowly coming into the window room. The girl slowly sat up and looked over to see Gene curled on his side facing the girl fast asleep, the side of his chest rising and falling evenly, a small snore slowly coming from his mouth every so often. He looked so innocent and young in his sleep, but she figured she looked the exact same. She looked over to see Oliver, cuddled under his own blanket fast asleep as well. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, a rather loud creak coming from the springs in it and the shuffling behind her signaled she'd awoken Gene. She turned, with a grimace and saw Gene shifting around a bit before turning to the other side and getting comfortable before passing out completely again. Charlotte sighed and slowly pulled her boots over her feet, tying them up tightly. She pulled the blanket with the furry bundle inside into her arms, before running a hand through her mused up hair and smoothing the locks down a bit to look more presentable. She quickly shut the aid station door behind her as she entered the outside world. The morning air was cool, but the sun warmed her skin. She walked towards the designated mess hall, she jumped up the few steps before pushing open the door and heading towards the small line of soldiers. She grabbed the tray with one hand and pushed through the line, as she got what seemed like hash browns and brisket. She thanked the cook and then stopped and shed another smile.

" Do you have a carrot?" she asked. The cook noticed the bunny in her arms, and didn't question as he brought out a spare carrot. She smiled in thanks before turning and sitting down at a table alone by a window. She placed the bunny in the blanket on the table and placed the carrot in front of it as she ate her own fill and stared out the window at the outside world. Many mornings went like that. Just Charlotte and Oliver, eating in peace. It was wonderful. One day she had thrown on her raybands and cuddled up the bunny in a blanket and began walking around the town when she noticed Talbert, with More, Liebgott, Malarkey, Alley, and Popeye all talking, and she happily walked over with a smile on her face. She had been waiting to seek out Talbert for a while and to hopefully embarrass him.

" Tab!" she called as she approached, making him turn around along with the rest of the guys.

" 'Ey, Sunshine!" he called, as she approached and looped an arm over her shoulder, squeezing her in for a hug. She smiled as he pulled back, keeping his arm over her shoulders.

" What's up?" he asked, as the rest of the guys watched on in curiosity.

" Nothing, I've just been thinking about Oliver," she said and glanced up at Tab, and he nodded, " and he's really cute and all, and fluffy," she said again," but he looks like you." The entire group of boys around them broke out laughing, almost hysterically, as Tab continued to stare down at the cheeky girl, eyes wide, cheeks growing red.

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