chapter 84: shifty powers

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" A lot can happen in a year

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" A lot can happen in a year."

- unknown


Charlotte was in a mad dash through the streets of Zell-Am-See, as she passed soldiers and friends and civilians. They noticed her soaked hair and half-dressed, put together figure, and eyebrows were raised but didn't question as she raced into the aid station. She couldn't even begin to think what Babe might think when he saw her and Speirs swimming together, but hopefully he thought nothing of it.

" Gene? Gene!" she began calling through it. She rounded the corner and saw Gene the bunny on the hopping around and sniffing every little thing he could get his little nose to sniff.

" Oliver!" she squealed throwing down her pants and crashing to the ground to scoop the small creature into her arms. She began cooing to the creature as it moved around freely without the cast wrapped around its hind legs. She looked up to her ranking medic, a hug smile on her face. Gene smiled back at the girl knowing how much she had wanted to see the bunny moving on its feet again. He noticed her hair was wet, probably from swimming, which meant she probably sprinted here from the lake to see the bunny. He smiled wider. When June 6th arrived, it was an exciting, yet sobering occasion. She woke, happy. It was her 20th birthday, she was alive, it'd been a year since they'd officially entered the war, and the war was over for Germany. But, they had lost many people, so people whom they had a year ago and now weren't here anymore. But she pushed a smile onto her face, as she dressed in her dress greens, all the medals and awards she'd received on her person as well, and her hair in clean french braids which the company loved. She positioned her cap perfectly on her head in the mirror as well before nodding to herself and heading out to the ceremony where everyone was milling about civilians and soldiers alike, ready to start the ceremony for who'd be going home from Easy. Charlotte walked outside, opting for pants rather than her skirt, because she preferred the jump boots as well, and noticed all the men dressed for the occasion as well. They looked amazing, handsome as always, and clean and put together to mark this special time for Easy. Charlotte stood next to Gene, her ranking medic, beside 2nd platoon, a serious expression on her features, biting back the smile inside of her.

" Company!" Speirs called, as he stood in front of second platoon.

" Platoon!" 2nd platoon called out.

" Atten-tion!" he called again as the platoon moved into attention. A bird called as the 3 platoon's of Easy stood at attention in front of the color guard and their CO.

" Right shoulder, ho!" All 3 platoons shouldered their weapons, crisply, as Charlotte kept the serious expression over her lips.

" Order, ho!" all the men placed their weapons sharply down on the ground beside them, in quick formation.

" At ease." Speirs said and the company relaxed into their resting positions. Charlotte slipped a smile onto her face.

" General Taylor is aware that many veterans, including Normandy veterans, still do not have the 85 points required to be discharged. On this, the anniversary of D-Day, he has authorized a lottery to send one man home in each company, effective immediately." Speirs explained as Talbert walked up with a helmet in front of Welsh who was to Speirs' left. Welsh dug his hand in before handing the slip to Speirs, a small smirk on his features.

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