chapter 83: zell am see

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" Calmness is the cradle of power

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" Calmness is the cradle of power."

- Josiah Gilbert Holland


hey!! i'm back! thank you all so much for all the kind comments and messages you've all sent me over the past few weeks. i've been stressed out, and sick, but i'm feeling much better, and i'm so glad i might be able to get out a chapter or two tonight! i hope you're all excited and enjoy!


Over the next few weeks, Easy settled into the life of Zell Am See with it's citizens. Charlotte maned the aid station with Gene most days, but they ended up going for afternoon swims as to there was no one ever injured at the moment, or they'd spend their time walking together, feeding Oliver and healing the poor bunny up, or just relaxing with the windows open in the aid station and playing card games. Charlotte hung out with her friends as well, but most of the time, since bordem had consumed most of them, wandered into the city square and chatted up the local girls. She continued though to eat every meal of the day with her friends sometimes in small and big groups or one on one with someone, and she enjoyed every minute. She'd eat breakfast with Skinny and then the two would walk around before she'd go to the aid station to find Gene and they'd work for a bit before lunch rolled around and they were about 5 or 6 together at the table, and then dinner was spent with Liebgott, Shifty, Grant, Talbert, and a few other guys that she always enjoyed talking to.

She'd been sleeping better too and was glad. Of course some nights she got nightmares, but by now she expected it. Oliver was usually cuddled in her arms though, and with the snores of her boys, she never had much to fear. Of course, one day, the girl walked through the town and was spotted by the town girls, and was immediately dragged with them to clothing stores and dressed in rather adorable clothing that fit her. The guys found it adorable as she walked around in a rather flowy skirt that wasn't pin tight with her freshly cut hair in braids, that Lieb had done recently, and shoes other than jump boots on her feet. She got her period the following day and wasn't the slightest bit pleased. She was cranky, cramp filled, and constantly upset. She almost cried because her potato at lunch was the shape of a heart, she nearly started sobbing when she found a blue flower on the side of the road on the walk with Skinny, and she did start sobbing when she saw two birds sitting side by side on a branch over the lake. She spent the next day, nearly throwing up from the intense pain, and the pounding headache, but kept her cool at bay, when guys came to visit her and she was pale, hanging over a bucket.

Gene knew of the period, and began quickly administering some of the pain meds he had and she gratefully accepted them. But they seemed to make her a loopy emotional mess rather than getting the pain away. The men had never seen Charlotte this way before, so they kinda went with it because it looked adorable most of the time when her eyes would water at the sight of a dog on the road or when she'd say ' the chickens had friends ' as she ate eggs for breakfast. The guys found it adorable with her carefree nature, and how young and innocent she still remained after all this time at war. Zell-Am-See remained beautiful and every night the men and their girl would eat their meals later with the setting sun, and then sometimes go for a night time swim when the moonlight would stream over the entire lake, and their laughs would echo across it, and the cool breeze that came from the mountains sent them running soaked inside the billets. One evening, Charlotte found herself in the beautiful vista hotel that the officers occupied, sitting up in one of the porches, letting the cool night air fill her body. The lake glistened as the moonlight came down on it, making the entire thing glisten. She felt peaceful, thinking about how the war was over for Europe. She could go home soon, and that meant Louis could go home soon, too. She'd see her parents again, and her brother and sister and her grandparents and America and her home. She'd go back to normality again. She forgot what that felt like.

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