chapter 18: the great crusade

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" The hardest walk is the walk you take alone, but it is also the road that makes you the strongest

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" The hardest walk is the walk you take alone, but it is also the road that makes you the strongest." 



When June 5th arrived, there was a serious aura that settled over the entirety of Easy Company. This serious, tough spirit that could rock anyone else to the core. Charlotte sat on her bed in front of Gene who had opted to help her with the face paint. Gene's fingers gently brushed over her face, as he smeared the black and brown colored stuff called paint on her face. They didn't talk, both their stomachs in knots, but it was a comfortable silence as they heard the men's voices outside, the wind flapping the tent cover, and some birds that tweeted nearby. 

Charlotte then did the same to Gene, who noted her soft fingers as they gently painted his own face as well. Charlotte's face paint looked gangly at this point, with strands of loose hair in it that she could just not get out. Her medic band and satchel were the cleanest they'd ever be, she knew, and she felt this need to hold her head up higher, to prove and show that this was why she was here. She had filled out her will for $10,000 if she were to die. In her last letter, she'd written her family, letting them know of the will she'd make out to them and everything she'd written up to let her parents understand what it meant if she died. She knew it must be scary receiving a letter from your daughter that she might die, and at the mere age of 18, she was making out a will. 

It scared her. 

 2nd platoon was on the plane with Winters. Gene and Charlotte were giving each other second and third checks and going over their medical supplies together as well to assure they each had enough equipment. The time was nearing and Charlotte could feel it bubbling in her chest like she'd eaten too fast. It was unsettling. The platoon was in its 2 lines, Gene and Charlotte going up and down handing out air sickness pills.

" Gentlemen, Docs Roe and Tarvers are handing these out for air sickness. Orders are every man and woman take one now, another 30 minutes in the air." Meehan called for. Charlotte's pulse heightened and she handed out her last one. Meehan and Winters shook hands, but Gene and Charlotte turned to each other once they'd reached the end of the lines. She turned to Gene, her superior and saluted him proudly. He smiled softly, giving his own salute back. The two turned and collapsed, back to back on the ground behind the rest of the men.

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