chapter 80: saving the bunny

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" The best things happen unexpectedly

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" The best things happen unexpectedly."

- unknown


After seeing what Chuck had to show, which was a dart board, the men had played with shooting at a picture of Hitler himself, she planned to go back down the mountain in search of Gene so they could fix Oliver up. Charlotte found a few of the trucks pulled up outside but no Gene. She figured he was still in town, working to get the aid station set up before nightfall. She looked around for someone to possibly drive her down to the town again. She found no available jeeps, so she opted for walking. The breeze was lovely, with the sun shining brightly as she carefully went down the mountain. Her feet crunched against the ground lightly and soon she got a hop in her step and began skipping with the bunny still tucked up in her arms. She walked all the way into town and found the banner for the aid station, the wind waving it in the wind as a breeze went through the place. Charlotte slid inside and carefully put the dress where Gene had placed her helmet and medical satchel before searching for her Cajun friend. The aid station was in positively one of the most beautiful locations she'd ever seen. The entrance was a big opening lobby type area with a staircase leading upwards to rooms, but once you walked through the center behind the staircase, it led to a big window filled room with 3 chandeliers hanging from the top. The room looked like a dining area, but now tables and chairs were turned into beds and places for medicinal purposes. She found Gene, helmet off, as well as the medic satchel, sorting through bandages near an open window, that let in the fresh smell of what felt close to summer and a cool breeze, with a beautiful view of the river below.

" Hey Gene." she called as she neared him. He looked up at the mention of his name and gave a small smile as the girl approached him. He noticed the small creature bundled in her arms. Charlotte had a wide smile on her face, youthful again, and beautiful, with the brightness in her eyes as well.

" What's up?" he asked, as he placed the last of the bandages away. " Who's this?"

" This is Oliver." she said and smiled at the little bunny rubbing it's nose.

" I think it's hind legs are injured, I found him one the side of the road on the way up to the Eagles' Nest." she explained.

" Here, let's put him here." Gene said, as Charlotte finally pulled the bunny from her arms and onto the table gently. Her and Gene crouched on the side of the table side by side, eye level with the furry creature as it sat there twitching it's nose. The back legs were limp it seemed, that back of its spine seemingly crushed down a bit. It didn't even try to move. Gene bit his lip.

" Probably paralyzed in the back legs, seems something happened to them, or his spine got crushed." Gene said as he reached forward with two fingers and felt around the crushed end of the spine. Charlotte sighed in defeat.

" We can't even operate on him." she said sadly. Gene looked at the girl, saddened by the poor bunny.

" We can try inserting bolts into it's back leg to heal the broken bones and see if it helps hold the spine together too." Gene said, trying to look for any sign of hope. Charlotte nodded solemnly.

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