chapter 19: d-day

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" Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

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" Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

- Helen Keller


( a/n ) hey! in this chapter you find out charlotte's birthday is the 6th, and i know it's cliche and all and there are a few other stories out there that have the oc's b-day on the 6th too, but i had ideas for mine so that's why charlotte's is the 6th of june!


She woke up, the plane cruising gently through the sky. The humming of the motor and engine on the plan continued to hum throughout her mind. She must've fallen asleep she thought, readjusting herself accordingly. Her heart was pounding, rapidly. She looked up at Winters, a small, nervous smile on her face. He gave her a smile back and her nerves settled. She looked over at Gene who she now noticed the fear settling into. She reached over and grasped his hand in hers, gently, and brushed her finger over the fabric of the fingerless glove to calm him. He let out a shaky breath in reply. 

Everyone was anxious, the nerves and riled up anxiety overflowing in the plane. Charlotte's heart pounded in her throat practically, as she fiddled with her medic band and all the straps that came with it. It was hot on the plane, sweat trickling down her forehead, and mixing with the paint on her face. She glanced at her watch; it was 1ish. It was the 6th of June. It was her birthday. She was 19. She felt a body next to her shift and hot breath in her ear suddenly.

" Happy Birthday, Charlie." Gene said over the engines roaring. She turned her head to him.

" Thanks, Gene." she called over the engines and he smiled nervously her way. It settled his nerves more. She looked around the plane at all the men. She looked over at Chuck, and he gave her a genuine smile, and she nodded with a smile back. She caught Skip's eye and smiled at him as well. They continued through the sky, and Charlotte thought back to her brother below in one of the ships, awaiting his fate. 

Louis was strong, she knew that, and he could make it through, he would find a way, it's the Tarvers genes. Charlotte glanced around the plane again at all the men, memorizing the men she was with now and the great impact they'd had on her the past 2 years. 

Her fear skyrocketed higher, as she tried to breathe evenly. She remembered the skills she'd learned, her tactics as a medic, and every man's plan next to her. Charlotte closed her eyes, but they immediately shot open at the sound of a bomb. Or an explosion. Something was going on outside the plane. Her heart rate picked up, and she squeezed Gene's hand tighter. All the sudden the red light flashed on, and she zeroed in, focusing immediately. Winters got to his feet, clipping his helmet carefully into place, facing the rest of the men and Charlotte.

" Get ready!" yelled Winters, his voice carrying over the engines. His hands moved in front of him as everyone held out their clips. Charlotte's hand shook, as she sat up completely.

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