chapter 25: d-day plus one

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" The main thing in life is not to be afraid to be human

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" The main thing in life is not to be afraid to be human." 

- unknown


Charlotte woke up the next morning, sunlight filtering in through the open window. She tried to remember how she got here, what had happened and where she was. She looked down, only in her undershirt, and shorts. She groaned as she sat up with the soreness ranging everywhere in her body. Her dog tags were still around her neck, and her hair in tight french braids. Her arm had a wrap around where she remembered the knife grazing her arm. Her face had a clean, cold cloth sliding from her forehead. 

And her ankle was wrapped up gently. 

She barely remembered yesterday and how she got here. Where was here? The last thing she remembered was Liebgott and Petty hauling her to the aid station at the barn, and her passing out. She groaned at the soreness, but was glad the headache and dizziness was gone. She was just really hungry and thirsty. They weren't in that old barn aid station anymore. This looked like an open hall converted into one. She noticed the chair by her bedside. She sat up, grimacing at the pain.

" Charlie!" she heard a voice call. She looked up from her lap and smiled wide when she saw Gene, food in his hands and a big cup of water. He hurriedly walked over with a smile on his own features. He placed the food and water on the nightstand and gingerly hugged the medic. Her arms wrapped around him and he smiled at her soft touch. Charlotte pulled back the same time as Gene and smiled widely up at him, yet it didn't quite reach her eyes.

" How're you feeling, petite?" Gene asked her, handing her the cup of water.

" Way better. I barely remember yesterday." She said quietly, sipping her cup of water in relief.

" I haven't had a drink or eaten anything since June 5th. I got a sip of water from Skinny, but well, that was it." She mumbled through her water sipping. Gene lifted her brow.

" Lose the canteen?" He asked.

" No, but it had a nice hole in the bottom where a blast hit me when I came down. " she answered. He frowned.

" So, D-Day plus one?" She asked, peering at the plate of food Gene handed her. Gene nodded.

" And day after your birthday. How old are ya?"He asked leaning back in his chair.

" 19." she said, cheeks turning red. She never liked celebrating her birthday and all the celebratory like things.

" Well there's one birthday wish that'll be granted soon, Liebgott's getting you a new uniform at the moment. Your other one was destroyed." said Gene sipping his own cup of coffee. Charlotte knew he wanted to ask what happened after she jumped, but it was still so prominent in her mind that it scared her. Gene didn't push on. So she just smiled.

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